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  • Fishtankkid

    seems like you have some good filtration i want a sump on my 55 gallon tank to see how it would work but it would be exspensive and it is a small tank so you wouldnt realy need one but on a 180 i can under stand why. How long is your tank cause it looks like 5 feet in the picture, you have a tiney country you could almost say you have to drive out of the country to get to your supplier.

  • Fishtankkid

    wish i had a 180 gallon tank lol, i always am looking for one for sale but there are none and when i find one it is always way over priced i found one on craigslist if you dont know what that is it is a site where you can buy things like cars, fish tanks, boats, etc. but anyway i found a 175 gallon tank the other day that i was thinking about buying and it was only 130 dollers with a stand wich i would have gotton rid of and made a oak stand, but anyway i went back and looked for it had sold or they removed it was a great deal though. if i had gotton it it would have sat for a while till i could invest in a fx5 filter with a backup fluval 205 so im not that made about it cuase it would have been torcher having a 175 gallon sitting in the garage for a year or 2 lol.
  • Krystian galazka

    Hey do u breed the oscars I used have four tanks to breed cichlids n oscars where one there beautiful fish but a pain in the ass when I started hs tho I sold all my tanks now I have a 30 gal plantedĀ