Hello Naomi! I appreciate your interest in my little experiment. I did a little housekeeping in my tank by attempting to siphon up some of the debris left over when I did a small water change. To my eye it doesn't look much different but I did snip off a few dying leaves so maybe there might be some improvement in my next video update. That bright green stuff came back almost immediately which confirms what I had been told was in fact a bacteria and not a real algae. This tank is two months old & I have never had any real algae on the glass or the decorations except this stuff. I am hesitant to disturb the sandbed once I have aquascaped it except in emergency. I am curious to see what nature will do in the weeks ahead.
Naomi Slater
Thanks Meagan. Nice to see you on chat this morning.
Jul 16, 2012
Hello Naomi! I appreciate your interest in my little experiment. I did a little housekeeping in my tank by attempting to siphon up some of the debris left over when I did a small water change. To my eye it doesn't look much different but I did snip off a few dying leaves so maybe there might be some improvement in my next video update. That bright green stuff came back almost immediately which confirms what I had been told was in fact a bacteria and not a real algae. This tank is two months old & I have never had any real algae on the glass or the decorations except this stuff. I am hesitant to disturb the sandbed once I have aquascaped it except in emergency. I am curious to see what nature will do in the weeks ahead.
Nov 29, 2012
David Lucchesi
Hi Naomi welcome !!
Feb 10, 2013