Robert Jango


Dedham, MA

United States

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  • TeamKRF

    Hey Robert, looked into one of my black bar Endler tanks and found what appear to be albino black bars, counted 6 at the moment...can this be right? Haven't heard of it before with this species. Wondering what you think.
  • Robert Jango

    You mean Albinos that came from Black Bar Endlers right?  Because any markings, including black bars, would mean they're not albinos.

    All animals produce albinos - some more than others. The only time I've experienced it was when I bred blue bettas. About 15% of the babies came out white or near white. All you need is a  recessive gene. In nature the Albino Endlers are called a "Blondes". And from what I hear they're pretty common. Check out the conversation on this link:

  • Faith-Magdalene Austin

    It's been a very long time since I've been able to come around and see ya and say hello. So, now, I'm coming around to say hello.

    Oh.....and to say that I have a small guppy pond in my house on the table. Easy! It's so dang easy I swear. It's a rubbermade tub, long, equipped with waterfall, filter and heater. I can't help myself. I've got it surrounded with plants and it's looking pretty good. I'm afraid to add photos for fear of being criticized by it. I know...there goes my insecure side showing. But, the little pond is here and I very much enjoy it seeing the colorful tails showing up to the top to see if I've come to feed them then dispersing in much sadness when they realize I've no tid bits for them. There are great hide holes for the babies who are flourishing. I love the pond. 
