so in the next couple months i plan on buying a 20 gallon long. i have decided to mix dirt and flourite, and above that have a black gravel cap, with a large sand middle section. on the left side of the tank i am going to plant jungle val along the glass, and let it grow over part of the tank, on both sides of the sand im going to have water wisteria, and in the sand i plan on having a dense tall carpet of java moss. on the right side of the tank i plan on having some fox tail. as far as stocking goes, i was going to get a large-ish group of red cherry shrimp to clean, and live in the moss, im thinking a shoal of about 8 ember tetras, and a male betta, i would get them in that order, so that i would have my clean up crew first, then the shoal, then the betta so that by that time the plants are large enough to provide a good hiding spot. the embers could change tho, i was just looking for a tight schooling fish. what do you guys think? any suggestions?

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Sounds like a really good plan.  Just as a word of caution... make sure the tank is well cycled and that the dirt has really settled in.  RCS are quite sensitive to sudden changes in water quality.  I learned that the hard way with my first batch.

thanks, and yeah, i was planning on waiting at least a month, maybe 2 before adding anything, mainly so that the plants can grow to provide hiding spots for the shrimp and the betta, but during that time it should be able to cycle without a problem.



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