I have a fairly newly planted tank. Been dirted and up and running for a little over a month now. I have some ghost shrimp for looks but they just aren't cutting it. I also have some MTS and pond snails in there. However I am still having issues with diatoms and other algae. It isn't horrible on the glass but the plants all seem to have them on their leaves. I have two powerheads in there so circulation is not an issue. I was using too much light but I have very recently cut my hours back (didn't have a timer). I am now going to about 8 hours of light with an hour in between of dark for respiration. I heard that was good. I am going to be getting a hillstream loach and some cherry shrimp. Will this help my troubles?

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Diatoms are an organism even though it is sometimes called brown algae. Check your phosphates. I bet they are high. Get a phosphate removing product.

brown algae or dust algae comes from new tanks.


5Body is right.


I am experencing the same problem without dirt. I am trying to feed less and my MTS are clearing away some of it for me.

Well I don't even know how to check for phosphates. I don't think I have seen that test kit anywhere. Mine only tests for ph, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. Also I only feed once a day and I don't think I over feed. There is never any food litter on the sand and anything that does reach the bottom is quickly picked up by my cory cats. My MTS have been kind of eradicated for the most part by my assassin snail.
Phosphates can be present in some sands as well as water. Everyone makes a phosphate test kit. Api, lamott etc. A petco/smart probably wont have it. Try a LFS. Also most LFS will check water samples for free. Just bring in a sample of your tank water. Can't hurt to try.
Okay so lets say my phosphates are high, what do I do about that other then water changes. Or is more frequent water changes the only answer?
I would recommend a product by Seachem called Phosguard. It goes in a mesh filter bag & is put in your filter. It will remove the phosphates when they pass through. I've used it successfully.
Does that go in a HOB filter or only canister. It is a smaller tank and has a HOB filter
sweet just ordered some on amazon pets stores near me don't carry it. Thanks for the heads up bro.
Amano shrimps really are great for algae.
How often are you doing water changes?
i do them weekly



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