I m thinking of putting 3 to4 angelfish in my 30 gl tank,  what fish would go great with those? Most everyone i asked this question to said rams, but i dont thnk i have rams in my lfs, any ideas?

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everyone is saying neon tetras but my angelfish ate all 8 of them i added in a day... so... ya, it might not be the best idea.

either have a large school,  or put the angles in when they are small so they dont see them as food. And obviously keep them well fed!!

do u think angels would eat 1.5 inch platies 

uumm, i really do not know if they would

I think the cory cat idea is much better than tetras in a 30 gl because you wont over stock tryig to put in cleaning fish. They add a nice dynamic of color , movement and shape contrast to the tank been as angels are generaly slower moving fish. Also, youll have a very nice species tank of angels and corrys which will allow for more time caring for the tank and creating a great aqua scape!!!

Best of luck!!




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