Hello everyone - I set up a dirted tank on Feb. 28th of this year. It's a 40 gallon breeder with an inch of Miracle Gro Organic potting mix under an inch of small aquarium gravel. Most of the planted plants are a month or less old and are mostly doing well. A few things melted, but I have new green shoots emerging from the gravel and the stem plants all have new growth at the tips. The sword and dwarf sag are sending out tons of new growth. I also have water wisteria, jungle val, crypt wendtii, ludwigia repens, and hygrophila. My Anubias, however, are developing brown spots which then dissolve away leaving irregular holes in the leaves. It's mostly happening on one particular plant called "Coffeefolia", but a few of the nana's have browning on a few spots at the edges of the leaves. I got the anubias a good six months before I set up the dirted tank and only had them and java fern tied to driftwood/rocks before this. They never had a problem before. The java fern also developed some issue with brown splotches on the leaves. I cut everything brown off and didn't have much left, but I can see some new growth coming out. I don't understand because aren't these supposed to be easy, beginner plants?
My ph runs 6.8-7.0, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and nitrate has been between 5 and 10 as I've been doing large water changes, around 50% almost daily. I missed a few days beginning of the week with a new job tho. I have LED lights and the box says 7500k color temp. I'm not sure whether I have hard or soft water, but I don't have any issues that come up with extremes of either so I'm guessing I'm in the middle. I dosed with Flourish Iron only one time as I just got some ludwigia that had a nice red color and didn't want to lose it. I'm seeing a bit of algae around, so I haven't used it other than that one time. I'm still learning all the chemistry involved with a planted tank. I Don't know what other info you need. Any help is welcome. Thanks!
might need iron or potassium, or magnesium
So I should keep using the Flourish Iron? And what do I use to add potassium and magnesium? I also have Flourish Excel - will that work? Thanks.
there is flourish potassium, use the iron and potassium, for magnesium I use the brand Kent I dose 1 ml of each per 10 gallons 3 times a week, Excel I only use 2 times a week or every water change, I do wc 2 times per week 30% and my anubias and java fern had improved 100% and my tank is not dirted and is low tech.
This sounds like a potassium deficiency to me. Are you putting the rhizomes below the substrate? If so, that is probably your problem.
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while - new job. I actually have moved that particular anubias to another tank and it seems ok - only had that one leaf with the browning/hole. Same with the nanas that remained behind, so I'm not sure what was up. I noticed they have roots growing down into the substrate now - I have them tied to rocks so the rhizomes are definitely not buried. They're doing well and one even flowered!
I still don't really know what I'm doing as far as adding anything to the water, so I haven't. I'm just doing regular 50% water changes once per week as usual and have the plants in soil. I do have the Flourish Excel and the Iron, but I only used them once. Everything is growing well except some crypt wendtii - it melted, started to resprout and has stopped and is dwindling again. The dwarf sag is crowding into it, so it's survival of the fittest, and I'm thinking the sag is going to win!
Are u going to do 50% all the time? Cos u don't have to once the tank is established
I have sort of the same problem... I have black/brownish algae growing on my anubias, and some of the leaves have holes.
Also, you may have buried the rhizome into the ground... Which will kill the anubias and java fern.... IMO you should tie them back onto the rocks and wood
They are tied to rocks - always have been. The anubias rhizomes are sitting on top of the rocks, which are sitting on top of the gravel, which is capping the soil at the bottom. The anubias' roots are all over the rocks and are now growing down into the substrate heading, I assume, into the layer of soil at the bottom. The roots - not the rhizome. The rhizome is tied to the top of the rock. My second plant just flowered as well, so I don't really think I have a problem any longer. New leaves are growing on both anubias, there hasn't been any more browning or holes, and whatever was spreading thru the java fern hasn't returned and I have lots of new growth on the long leaved plants, as well as the one Windilov I have.
I think I have some black/red brush algea growing along the edges of the leaves of my large sword and there's some on various anubias leaves. I also noticed the oldest sag leaves are rimmed with it. It's not unsightly or taking over - just here and there. I've been trimming the older leaves on the sag anyway and I try to hand pick off any small "tufts" that I see forming on the edges of the swords when I do my water changes. That, however, is what stops me from adding anything to the water - I don't want to have algae issues. I have a fancy goldfish tank as well, which has no plants whatsoever and it's a constant battle with the algae. I have the goldfish tank, plus a quarantine tank which aren't planted and I have a 20 gallon I just dirted to play around with and experiment and I have to do regular water changes on those, so I do one on my planted tank as well. I like fish as well as plants and while not heavily stocked, I wouldn't say I'm lightly stocked (as recommended) either. I have a dozen neons, a dozen mixed corydoras, a pair of otos and a bunch of snails in there. I'm planning on adding another dozen neons as well - it's a 40 gallon breeder.
My water wisteria is finally taking off and growing like crazy. I keep topping it and replanting the cuttings and it keeps coming. I'm hoping as I get a larger mass it will help pull excess nutrients out of the water and this minor brush algae problem will go away.
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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
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Started by Zachary Kittle in General Discussion (off topic) Oct 31, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Zachary Kittle in General Discussion (off topic) Oct 30, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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