Hey does anybody know if this is a double , red triple red I'm not that clued up on them yet , I got this one yesterday

any tips on them would be helpfull aswell

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Thanks Eric , I was thinking triple myself but wasn't too sure , I will be getting a female soon going to have a bash at breeding them
only thing I have bred is guppys and platys lol , but that was a waste of time got £0.70 each
what do you feed yours btw ?

he never ate the first 2 days and just hid in the jungle val

but he had a wee feast today cause every friday I get live foods he was all over the tank munching them and he had a bit of the colour flake

he is trying to kick the zebra loches out of thier cave as wee speak lol

ur apisto is def triple red..


The anal fin color on A . cac don't really show up too much color because of intense breeding.


Feed it high quality food and that anal fin should color up.

thanks , thats why I was unsure cause he only has a wee bit of colour on the anal fin his colours are alot brighter today must be starting to settle in

never realised how big thier mouths wer I't bigger than my anglefish's mouth lol

yup...they are know for the big mouth...mine can take in 2- 3  pellet like a pig holding it for himself...lol
probably be able to swallow my neons whole but not to worry they are going anyway lol
naa..i got neons ...they can't do much but chase them off

ha only fish he's interested in is my zebra loaches keeps rubbing himself up against them lol

not got even the tinyest bit of aggression



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