Can you bake carbon and ceramic media fillers such as Fluval ceramic nodes to recharge them after several months of use?  Thanks!

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why would you throw out ur ceramic media? don't need to recharge it or anything..should last you 4ever.


it will be a waste..use it by all means! Carbon is what you need to store it for later use.

The discussion was what to do with the ceramic media after several months when it becomes clogged up.  The manufacturers recommend 4-6 months to use the media.  My question was whether or not you could bake the ceramic to free the pores up again.  It seems that the general consensus from the research I have done is that the plastic bio ball media or scrubby pads are the best option.  They allow plenty of surface area for bacteria to grow and when they get loaded down, you can just rinse them in the tank water and put them back.  The main point being, why pay for media every few months when these cheaper plastic options work just as well and can be used indefinitely.



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