Hey there folks, hoping somebody on here could provide some assistance. Ive got my 125L tank all converted to dirt, finally!! Its been up just over three weeks now. Im running my already cycled canister filter so im seeing zero ammonia/nitrites but high nitrates assuming this is the soil settling in (john innes no 3) could this be the cause for the BBA i can see developing on my my anubias nana?

No co2
Lights on for 5hrs off for 4 then back on for 5

Any suggestions? Thanks

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As you already must know, a dirt tank's first few months are rough as a cob.
This is the period where you are faced with the biggest challenge of algae competing against your plants. Newly founded dirt tanks are a absolute fiesta for algae of all types to attend. In my personal experiences with dirt tanks and algae the thing that helped me the most has been DUCKWEED!! 
Duckweed is a form of plant LIKE algae, being that it feeds off of the water column, vs rooting into the substrate like a regular plant. There are other ways of combating algae, This has been MY PERSONAL best way of doing so! 
When in dire need for results, h2o2 / Peroxide can be dosed directly onto the algae to destroy it. BE WARNED h2o2 KILLS BACTERIA and should NOT be used in more than 15ml doses PER DAY.
Take an eyedropper, fill it up, blast that shit into oblivion! 
For future / more swift response please attend instant chat and post your question! 

 Nitrates arent helping the issue, but more than likely some bba was already present somewhere on a plant or plants. You need to remove the affected parts or the plants or the plants themselves or try killing the bba with hydrogen peroxide (just one method)..and also work on reducing nitrates..Feel free to come on chat and see what ideas we can give you to help you out.... will warn you there is a lot of goofing off and silliness in chat, but our members are knowledgeable and will help you out. Look forward to chatting with you.

                                                                                      T (site admin)

Hey thank you both for the advice. Ive read about the H202 method but cant quite bring myself to trying it. Ive had some duckweed in a tank before i think ill try that to help with the nitrates along wih water changes. Cheers



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