Hey guys, I know there are a lot a people on here keeping "German Blue Rams", so I hope you guys can help me figure this out. Awhile back I got a couple "German Blue Rams" from a reputable LFS but they died within a few days. After doing some more research I found that GBR's are really finicky about water conditions and since my tank had only been up and running for about a month I thought maybe it wasn't fully established yet. 

Jump forward to 2 weeks ago, my tank has now been up and running for... I don't a long time, I took a break from rams and did rainbows for awhile. Then I found some one who was successfully keeping rams and rainbows so I decided to give it a shot but wasn't about to spend the $25 a piece that the LFS wants for them again in case the die in a few days again, but they got them in at a couple of the local Petsmart's for $6.

On to my questions, they only had them listed as "Blue Rams". They aren't quite as colorful as I remembered the GBR's I got from the LFS all those months ago and I initially chalked it up to inferior genetics, but now I'm noticing other stuff that's different about them making me think they aren't "German" blue rams. Some of them have much longer fins and what almost looks like a double tail. After some Googling I found some(very little) info about "Long Fin Blue Rams" which is what I now believe at least a couple of them are. I also some(again very little) references to something called "Holland Blue Rams"(which I believe is also called "Dutch Blue Rams"), as well as something called "European Blue Rams", but can't seem to find out if they are all pretty much the same thing or what? Anyone know what, if anything, is different between them all so I can maybe identify what I've got here?

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