I got 1 bosmani today as they were on sale at petsmart for $6. They had two but one didn't look so good so i just bought 1. It looked good at the fishstore, but once i brought it home, he has been sitting in one corner of tank for about an hour. Feeling that he might be sick, i moved him to my 5G holding tank. 

Any idea or suggestions on what i can do here?

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I have 6 australian rainbow on my 40G where he will end up going eventually, and this is the first bosmani i have ever had!

i would get more as they love to school...he might be in stock..i seen fish do that..


they stay in one corner not moving much...


12 hour period would tell if ur fish will survive due to the shock of temp, parameter, ph

There could be several factors.  The fish could be sick.  Also, Rainbows do not like intense lighting.  If you have some crazy white bright lighting, this fish will likely seek shelter.  White substrate also blinds the bows. Not only will the fish become more active, but I bet his colors are pretty pale too.  Partially because petsmart's rainbows suck! But you have to start somewhere.  My first rainbows were from petsmart, the boesemani was almost white 24/7.  Anywho, more subtle lighting and darker substrate will bring a drastic change in the color of your fish.  I have never seen Boesemani school, or any rainbowfish really, but they do love the company of other bows.  Just don't expect tetra-like grouping together.  With some adjustments, your Boesemani will end up being the most active fish in the whole tank.

Agreed....I lucked out with my 8 Boesemanis from Petsmart...great color....3 males/5 females....I currently have two sets of fry being raised in 10 gallon tanks....almost 30 in one and gathered 5 yesterday in the other....the 30 in tank one are about 2 weeks old for the oldest and they eat the newly hatched ones so had to start another tank for them. 


That 'small' investment in 8 at Petsmart, likely thru LiveAquaria.com because I live next to Fosters and Smith, are hopefully going to turn into a REALLY NICE SCHOOL in about six months.



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