my 2 angelfish are both  pecking at a amazon sword leaf idk what it is maybe is do i know when my angelfish are about to breed 

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Hey, I have the same exact question! My angels have been pecking at an amazon sword for 3 days now..waiting for them to spawn i guess. Did yours spawn yet?

nope but im watching them

I breed angels. They are trying to eat the plant. Lol.

They're getting ready to lay eggs on the leaf. Pretty soon it will be covered with eggs. 

I never noticed my angels cleaning the the leaf that they laid on....

Not saying they didn't do it, but I agree w/ Turbo...I think they are eating algae....

Also, when they spawn...if they do a great job w/ the eggs the fry should make it past the wiggler day 6/7 look for them to start swimming....get them out of the tank or they'll get eaten....I think I lost my brood....I have to check tonight when I get home from work.

They're not eating algae on the leaf or the leaf itself. Turbo was making a joke - a pretty funny one at that. Most, if not all, species of cichlids go through the process of preparing/cleaning the surface where they will lay eggs.

Sometimes they eat their fry; sometimes they even eat the eggs. Sometime they do neither and raise the babies. Usually, the more they breed the better they get at it.

Im just saying there are more signs then just poking a leaf, I would not be surprised, at all, if he doesnt get any eggs. But time will tell. Plus, Angels would choose a leaf as a last resort, the heat, or even the intake filter would be higher up on their list. Just saying, from my experience. Like I said time will tell, no eggs in a week, then, yeah they werent breeding. But seeing that this was posted on the 1st...

Sometimes poking a leaf is the only sign. Sometimes there is more than one sign. At other times they don't clean the spot at all. And as you point out, sometimes they show breeding behavior and not lay eggs. I just don't want to confuse Craig; so lets be clear:

1) They are not eating the leaf

2) Poking the leaf is breeding behavior.

3) The Angels have obviously chosen the leaf as a potential breeding spot.

youll know there breeding when you see each of them rubbing their junk on the plant and little eggs are left behind. its a pretty obvious maneuver youll know it if you see it one will follow the other...if you miss it dont be suprized they usually like privacy...and just to add all the angels ive ever owned always laid on swords as a first choice.

I kept Angels in my very large backyard pond and they chose a Sword over the rocks as well. Not sure what makes them choose one site over another, but it probably has a lot to do with what they feel is the safest spot.

This is off-topic, but keeping fish in a large (clear) pond is fun because you get a peak at how they behave in nature. Watching how 20 Angelfish interact in a 30' X 25' pond is fascinating. 



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