What's, in your opinion, the best and favorite species of corydora?

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Corydoras Trilineatus, only because that's the species I have.  But they are all pretty much awesome.

thats a really nice looking cory, is Trilineatus a common name?


Trilineatus is just an offshoot.  I think all Corys that are like this are some kind of julii, but this one is a little different.  My LFS has an AWESOME fish species book that is a few hundred $ that has just about every species imaginable with pics and there are literally like one hundred different kinds of Corys.  Do you have that one on file Paul? I wish. Here is a julii, it's a little different. More dots than squiggly lines.

albinos or pandas
The only coryodoras I have are albino (bronze) corydoras, but they are fun to watch and dig in the sand :)

you can commonly find this cory catfish at alot of petstore ..they will always carry them and alot of people love them:

  • Pepper Cory
  • Albino Cory
  • Juli
  • Bronze

My favor cory if I can find them is Cory Hastatus and Cory Pulcher.


To me the jury is out.  I have 3 corys bought at one time and they sometimes school with the other one that was bought separately and they are all the same species.  I've had similar results in the past, but others say different species will school.  I think it just depends.
All cories are great. But you dont get to see their full happiness unless kept in their own group.  Other than that have you seen Pygmy cories before?
Sterbais for sure!
Little late but....
My favorite is Pygmy cories because they root in the ground but also school like tetras obove the ground

albino cory, have 3, and my big momma cory, she doesn't look big in this one but is as long as a my thumb haha


Emerald Green are my favorites. They kind of shimmer in the light sometimes.



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