Hi guys, I bougth online 4 corys like the ones dustin has on his recent videos for my 55 dirt planted tank, but I dont know if they can be keept with cherry shrimp and blackberry shrimp :/ can they live together? Im getting my order on friday. Thanks for the help!

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I would say yes corys are very peaceful and pretty much just do their own thing

no problem man..cory will not eat them..they live peacefully


I just got my order of rare cory in today too.

Thanks! They are on their way! They will b here tomorrow yay! I also got 15 blackberry dwarf shrimps :) does anybody hera knows if they are easy to breed?
Yay! I got my plants, corys, shrimps today and the corys are awsome!!! and one of my blackberry shrimps is full of eggs with tiny eyes! Im gona have baby shrimp any day!! yay... so exited.
very nice...make a vid so i can see
Absolutely, you won't run into any problems at all with them. They are pretty shy though, mine only comes out in the evening or when I'm not home.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVFgENelosg - Here's mine after I brought him home.
Corys a really peaceful even though the hide from me everytime I  get close there fun to watch at a distance .... I have one ghost shrimp in my rainbow tank with my corys and I always worry when I feed them brim shrimp that they might mistake Mr. Shrimpy for food :) 
Were did you order them from ?
I order them at azgardes.com  but i found some wendsday at petco so now Ihave six :)  and they are not shy at all. Some days they school together and others dont. 

hey, first post btw

i also had the same idea based on info i read online

i was just wondering what types of plants did you use?

so i can start to get somewhat of an idea in my head if you dont mind sharing that is =P

I havr mostly swords and anubias :) just add some c. Valls and some buch plants but do  remember the names, also have anubias nana and anubias petite:)



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