I have a 36 gallon bowfront tank that I have had planted for a while now, I recently put in duckweed to help created a little light and nutrient reduction. I have a HOB which is causing the floating plant to get pushed under the surface and sometimes into the filter. Has anyone ever modified their filters so that the duckweed is not disturbed? I have placed a cut wash cloth in there for now to help but I would like a nicer looking and more permanent solution if you can suggest any.

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Well I am not sure if anyone is interested but I took some plexiglass and siliconed it to the front of my HOB. I had to cut out a small section on the bottom side of the filter to give room for the water to be directed down. It works pretty well. The duckweed has since spread out and is almost completely stopped from being forced down. the only thing that I couldn't fix is finding a way to block it from behind the filter. But I am not worried about that.



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