Have been watching Dustins youtube channel for a while and decided i want in on the fun and figured this was the best place for help. Currently have a 100g with mixed mbuna cichlids [first major tank]. I have a 30g set up sitting around and want to make it a planted tank with dirt! So far i have gathered this info from reading. Substrate of organic potting soil with red clay mixed in with a cap, and you need plenty of light. My questions are whats a good cap to use? What type of light t5 or t8? Do you need a c02 injection with dirt? Heard Dustin say to plant the sh!t out of your tank once water is over cap, can i wait to plant? Also been wondering about how to vacuum the fish waste out? Just skim the cap?  Any help is much appreciated.

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Good cap to use is just regular aquarium gravel. I use small black gravel. I am just using a fluorescent t8 pink plant gro lights. Doing the job well. you dont have to use tons of lights to make plants grow. it might just spark an algae bloom otherwise. turn lights on for 6 hours a day. I've used co2 and can get good results but its VERY dangerous. I'd say avoid co2. you dont need it for the dirted tank. yes plant as much as you can and the initial hump will be less painful. filter the tank initially 90%, 6 times the first day, then 2nd to the 7th day 90% water changes. de-chlorinate after each time. duckweed is a good plant to use to eat up any excess nutrients. I swear by the stuff. it works - it does its job.

I cap with about 1/4" of sand, then 1/2" to 1" of eco complete black gravel. Fill the tank VERY slowly and it should be fairly clear. Since I have fish in the tank and the convert was pretty stressful on them, I don't do the major water changes. I do about 25% every couple of days for maybe a week. If you plant like crazy then the algae shouldn't take over. Do NOT wait to plant once you have dirted and put in the water. You will get algae that is very hard to get rid of. I have found that watersprite grows quickly and will help get your tank set up. Then you can swap it out once your tank is established if you don't like it. A t5 light should be fine for your tank. I use a DIY CO2 and it works just fine. However, its kind of a pain as you have to make a new batch of sugar/yeast every 3 weeks or so. If you have some fish and want to use CO2 then put an airstone in there. If you have gravel in the tank then you can vacuum out the fish waste.



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