Looking for some advice on what to do. Just noticed on of my rainbows is bent like an S and wiggling out abit, not that I blame it. He's in a 125 that's planted and dirted water quality is not an issue. Tanks been up 5 or so months and fully cycled before stocked. Did just get over an unfortunate ich out break. But every one looks good and acting fine except the bow and German ram that looks like he's a goner. Any advice? Read something that said it could be fish TB. Not sure where to go from here. Thanks!

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I'd say do a salt bath. Use kosher salt about two tablespoons in a five gallon bucket, have an airstone in bucket to aerate, place fish in bucket for about ten minutes. If fish shows any signs of stress or freaking out immediately remove from salt bath. Make sure temperature is same as tank, might even be best just to siphon some tank water into five gallon bucket then mix in salt.



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