What up fish tank people!


The FX5 has 3 media baskets.


There are about 7! combinations to set this thing up with.  I'm only covering how to set it up for a planted tank.


I'm sharing this info because I made a STUPID mistake.  If you have planted tanks you DO NOT want carbon.  The reason being it pulls out iron from your water and a few other things from liquid frets.


I've taken out the carbon and hoping my HC will do a LOT better.  Never hurts to hope.  ;-)


Here are the tray break downs starting from the top to bottom and numbered how they are in the book:


  1. Pre-Filter which looks like noodles.  Captures large waste and plant particles.  Helps break it down before it hits the other two media baskets.
  2. ClearMax which looks like brown gravel on the box.  It's in a woven bag.  3 bags to a box and one bag treats 27 gallons.  I put 3 bags in which only treats 81 gallons.  I figured the plants and shrimp needed something to do.  ;-)  I also put a fine filter pad ON TOP of the 3 bags in this media tray.
  3. BioMax which look like a ceramic type of noodle.  I put two boxes of this in the bottom tray.


What I had before was 3 bags of carbon in the middle trey.  I did this because I was cycling the tank brand new but had planned to remove it after my first filter breakdown.  The plan was to add Peat Granules but I've canned that plan.  I can just add a little Tetra black water when needed.


I LOVE THIS FILTER.  I've got some schooling fish that love it just as much.



You can change the flow rate on this filter using the levers.  That's what they are there for.  ;-)

I change the flow rate to a really slow rate when the lights go out.  During the day or hight light I open them up to simulate a rapid water flow.  This filter is on a 120 so I would almost have to completely close it for it to not do a good job.


Hope this is helpful.




The Fluval folks in the US are SUPER helpful if you call with a question about your filter.

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Great info thanks for the help :)

Thanks Robert.  Here is a neat link of mods you can do:  http://www.innovationlandscaping.com/fx5/


There are also videos on setting up the FX5 on YouTube.  Basically the same videos that come with the filter that show you how to install and set it up.

u got me confuse there man...


is that media setup from top to bottom?

1 == top basket

3 == bottom basket


That is how it is defined in the book as well.  What seems to be wrong?

the problem i see is that most canister water enter from a opening to the bottom ...then it gets suck up to the outake....


ur setup is a bit misplace as I use two canister and they enter the water way to the bottom first then pump upward..so the media setup seem to be reverse?


is am i missing something here??

Thanks man this was a big help for me I just got my Fluval FX5 and wasnt so sure how to set up the media in the basket. But now i got an idea of what to do and also thanks @PaducahFishFan for the web link.



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