So does anybody know why my ghost shrimp are slowly dying one by one? do the agressive ones kill each other?   i heard there sensitive to amonia?  i'll go to my pet store ans buy a dozen and after awhile they die i'll find them dead in the bottom of the tank.

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Are acclimating your shrimp? Are they aldult shrimp or juvenile ? Have u tested your water and if so what were the readings? Some ghost shrimp only get aggressive when they haven't eaten for a long time u can look up ghost shrimp hunting on YouTube and a vid of a ghost shrimp killing and eating another shrimp I'll post the link web I find te vid

We need more info as stated by Peter.

i bought 2 for my 10 gal and they died after two weeks. I feel like i hardly saw them eating, maybe i don't have enough algae(got none) and my fish eat all their food so quick none gets left behind. I don't have water tests so I have no idea but I watched them for days and never saw them eat. I got them the same day I got my two fancy guppies and the guppies are doing really well so untill you and I test the water we'll never know for sure.

I have like 80 ghost shrimp lol (in different tanks, not all in one). Theyre 10 for a dollar here in AZ, I notice that some just lose their drive to live. I have had a bag of ten, look perfect and healthy, get home from the 3 minute drive from the fish store, and have a bag of ten dead shrimp. I guess they get too stressed durring shipping and then living in a 5 gallon tank with 100's of cousins, the bags that made it home, I'll watch them for a few days they seem to be fine, they eat, are very active, even try to steal the pleco food, but then they literally will stop mid swim, or mid meal and turn solid white and die. THE MOST craziest thing you have ever seen. Like they have a heart attack or something. This is only with the smaller to mid sized ones. the larger ones will live for ever it seems and breed like rabbits.

I am one of those crazy fish people that tests the water 2 times a day, and water changes 4 times a week, or right after a frozen feeding, so their deaths are not a water issue, it just seems they give up. Maybe its an unkown defence mechanism, or something. I have seen them do their fast backward swim thing while I am siphoning the bottom and die mid way through their maneuver.

Not saying that your water isnt the problem, like everyone said you should run some tests, I dont think ghost shrimp are too crazy sensitive to water parameters, I have kept some outside for a week in a bucket (I know, I know, I forgot about them.) and NONE died, as I said I live in az and durring the week they were outside it was 110 durring the day and 50 at night, no air stone, or water changes. I think they ate the bugs that fell in, and crazy amount of algae that you can imagine grows in a bucket with planted tank water, in the sun. They where in an orange home depot bucket, so when I realized I left them outside I threw them into their own 10 gallon, and now they are an orange clear with bright orange dots. Still living.

I think its a hit and miss when buying them.

Interesting post Turbo. I enjoy reading about first-hand experiences.

what ive found in my 50 gallon tank and the 1 gallon tanks, when my water was at a constant temperature, and the water was decent quality, with having some salt, my shrimp dont die.  if the tank doesnt have any salt they die within a few days or a lil longer.  When i made a tank that was brackish NONE of the shrimp died at all and all the females started having eggs.  Do remember Ghost Shrimp are not like cherry or bumble bee shrimp, in that ghost shrimp need salt and the others do not.

Also if your shrimp start turning cloudy (this is before they die) then that means you have too much copper in your tank.  If this is the case, then you need EDTA to take the excess copper out of the water.  If you cant buy EDTA outright then buy PRIME.   Prime has edta in it and is very inexpensive.  1 mL can treat 10 gallons!!!!

well i can tell u david they do not require salt i keep them in plain old tap water(using prime of course) and they breed like roaches super easy to breed, i.e. y they are so cheap and abundant,  but u might be onto something w/ the copper in the water theory makes alot of sense.

thanks for the info.  Glad to know they dont need salt. but i do put a lil in my tanks to help.

and yes copper kills all invertebrates quite quickly

i find that when you buy ghost shrimp they are already really onld and with so much stress just kills them off



Plants don't like salt.




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