I have this green water and I hate it. I had a Green coat on my sand for a week and then this happened. I cut down the light hours and did a huge water change. I treat it with tera algae control every week...................................HELP PLEASE!

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How Big is your tank what kin of bulbs do u have and is your tank heavily planted? How Long do u run ur lights? Do u have floating plants?

No floating plants but two coralife 6,700 k bulbs I will be getting a uv steralizer and floating plants.

Try running a UV, green water is usually due to bacteria and I find running a UV to be the fastest way to get rid of it and it works most of the time.  If you are unable to get a UV, a 3 day blackout and a very large water change often helps.  Do check your water parameters because ammonia is often the root of this particular bloom from what I've heard.

I check them and they were all fine I have the API master kit. I also will be getting the green killing machine if you have had it please comment.

I run an inline UV but I've heard good things about the green killing machine.  I think the slower the water flow the better when it comes to UVs.  The longer the bacteria is exposed to the UV the greater chance it will have to die.  Lemme know how it goes.  Good luck.

so far so good it has been a day and I can see the back of the tank. Still green though.


That's definitely a good sign.  Took me roughly 72 hours before my water cleared up.  Keep us updated.

Hey everyone I just got home from school and my tank is clear YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I win. But yea the uv steralizer helped a lot. The green algae on the sand bed is even gone. I will get some floating oplants now and driftwood. Now I need the stock. I already have 5 congo tetras. What else, I know a want a leopard ctenopoma though. The tankl is 30 gallons and has sand. Um I was thinking 5 congo tetras leopard ctenopoma and maybe 5 shrawtz corys and a rainbow shark? please comment.


what kind of uv sterilizer did you get?

Nobody likes green water except for fish. It is very clean, healthy water that promotes color and vigor. I use it to raise goldfish and Koi outdoors.

"Green water" and the green coating on your gravel are two different types of algae. Algae is a very simple, primitive precursor to plants that can smother all your vegetation if left unchecked. On the other hand, because it is so simple, it can be easily killed while more the evolutionary advanced species like Amazon Swords, Anubias, Cabomba, etc have the ability to store energy and stay alive longer under poor conditions.

So if you cut down on light and nutrients it will kill the algae while the plants will survive. But who's to say that algae won't return when normal lighting conditions are restored? What you need is a plant that will outcompete the algae. Floating plants like duckweed and water cabbage are algae's worst enemy. Firstly, they grow much faster because their dry leaves absorb Co2 from the atmosphere. (and air holds much more Co2 than water) Secondly, they hog all the light at the surface. And thirdly, they suck all the minerals out of the water at a much faster rate than algae. This is your best solution.

You can also start adding RO water or rainwater to your tank during water changes. This type of water is nutrient poor and will kill off the algae. But be careful, not all fish love very soft water and too much of it over a long period of time will kill all your plants if you don't fertilize them. If you do fertilize, use a substrate that absorbs nutrients. Nutrients should be out of the water column  (away the algae) and in the soil where your plants' roots feed. Standard aquarium gravel does not absorb nutrients. Eco-complete, flourite, clay, and garden soil do.   

Do NOT add chemicals to your water. The side effects could be dangerous.

Do NOT make extra water changes. Water from your tap will probably add nutrients and make the problem worse in the long run.

Okay guys thanks so much for the replys I am gooing to get the uv strealizer soon. If anyone has any input on the green killing machine comment because that is the one I am looking at. I will also buy some floating plants too. I forget the name but dustin has it. I also have dual coralife t5 HO light. With two 6,700k bulbs. I think I will be adding iron patttasium and flourish excel to the tank. The tank is thirty gallons with 62 watts of light.

I have a UV sterilizer. I think its the green killing machine model - not sure. It will kill the algae in the water column but not on the gravel or glass. It will also kill all living things that pass through it. This includes any bacteria, infusoria, copepods. baby fish etc. 

I prefer to kill green water naturally but the UV will work. Only floating plants will kill the algae that exists on surfaces.



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