I put the same amount of light on my tank maybe 30 minutes more and I come home today and theres leaves all over and the plants are hunched over.

What does this mean? are they just now getting settled in or to much heat and lights or not enough?

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how long have you had them....anacharis is usually like that itll take a while to get used to your tank and you usually loose the nice bushy leaves....it grows much nicer looking in really nutrient filled ponds then it does in tanks. of course anacharis can be different things most sold in stores is actually egeria densa cause it looks nice and bushy like that but in my experience actually does worse in tanks than elodea canadensis a different version sold under anacharis that is even found even easier in waterways in most of america....the leaves are however quite a bit thinner though...ha but good luck. id leave it be its probably just getting used to your tank.

ive had them for at least 4 weeks, and its just happened over night so thats why im so worried and its more then half of them and id say anywhere from 1/4 to 3/4 of the plants leaves are brown or gone.

Obviously something must have changed in your tank. I've had plants take a turn for the worst seemingly overnight, it's usually some kind of imbalance in your tank. Are you sure the only thing you changed is how long the lights were on? It looks like they're just planted in gravel, do you have some other substrate under the gravel? Do you have any fish in there? If so are they doing ok? I'd recommend starting with a water change. And you might want to get your water tested, if you don't have a test kit yourself, most pet shops will test it for you for free.

no i have dirt substrate and i change the water everyday for the past couple weeks now and i have like 3 guppies, i think its becasue my bulb burnt out and I put a new one in but it was smaller so not sure how that could have burnt the plants. but I just wanted to make sure it was nothing else or if I just didn't do anything or something. ahah 

Thanks for your help!!

The second day more and more plant's leaves have fell off :((((

different light spectrum or lumens in a small system can cause some pretty radical issues especially with a plant as touchy as anarchris...its not gunna die its just gunna grow differently cause you got a different light probably. 

okay but my light i put in is smaller and i didnt run the lights as much for a couple of days and the leaves are still falling off

Seth may be right.

This has happened to me before with Anacharis but I never figured out why. Right now, I have some in my pond outside (both Densa and Canadensis) and in some places they form dense thickets and in others they're dissolving. I do my best to cultivate each plant species but I really don't have the patience to make a diagnosis every time a damn leaf dies. I let my pond and tanks decide which plants they want to support because its not like I'm gonna change the conditions around anyway (especially in a breeding tank) just because a plant dies.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

okay no this is perfect thanks guys!!!

have u use salt becuse that can be why your plants can be die slow if u did make a big water change like 80  and see what happen they should be fine peace out

Yes I did...salt is bad for the plants?

Yes it is. It dries them out



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