Hi guys, I noticed my Plec has a white mark on his under side, I only noticed it today when he was on the glass, by time I got my camera he had moved, but just managed to get a picture while he was back there, if anyone can help that would be great! I'm not sure what it is, or if its just from where he's rubbed against something or not, I'm worried whatever it is might get infected



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looks like an infection from something sharp or object


sometimes it will heal back ...sometimes you might lose the fish just like me and everyone else

he seems fine he's not acting any differently, I'll try keep an eye on it, hopefully it will heal up.


would a salt bath be any help at all?


I'm not sure what he could of caught himself on in the tank, there isn't anything sharp in there, I did notice he was sucking on my heater though, maybe the corner of the clip for the heater? I'll check to see how pointy the corners are, maybe file them down.

a bit of salt helps..


I'll try adding abit of salt to my tank, this shouldn't effect my plants at all should it? (only abit of java moss and some java fern on bogwood)


I just did a water change and added a dose of "Disease clear" which treats and protects against all the common diseases and infections, I will leave it afew days and see how he is, if its starting to heal thats good if not I'll add some aquarium salts.


I also noticed the area the mark is on him looks slightly swollen, I don't want to stress him by taking him out to give him a salt bath so would prefer to just add it into my tank then once its healed do some big water changes to remove the salts

i would do a treatment of salt every other day for a week then do waterchange.
ok, I'll give that a go, will the salt effect my plants at all?
ok, will start treating them tomorrow, going to dirt my tank, so getting a big container for the water and fish out of my tank, will keep my fish in there till I've finish treating them i think

Just an update, he's still acting like he normally does, the sore looks like it is starting to heal up, I've had salt in the tank for about 5 days now, fish have been moved to a container while I dirt my tank, with the old tank water and ornaments ect, will do a small water change on that once I've finished wiht my tank.



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