Help with Pond Filtration system, and pond set-up? Very new to the pond world

I am in the process of planning for a pond build this fall.  I am trying to get my equipment picked out, and kind of give the direction of the build a right setting.  For starters, since I live in Houston, I want to make sure I can support aquatic life in the high temperatures here.  I have the place I want the pond located in my back yard, and it gets 6-7 hours of sunlight a day!  Perfect for the plants I have in mind, so on to the size.


Pond rough dimensions:  84x 60x48 (LxWxD)

Rough gallons: 1000 gallon

Shape: Perfer kidney, stair steped down to max depth

Equipment:  Prefer to run externally for easy maintenance.  So UV, and PUMP would be outside of the pond.




I want a waterfall, and have been looking to the waterfall filters.  The thing is that I do not really want to use a skimmer on this size of tank.  What would you all recommend to do about this?  Skip the waterfall filter and skimmer, and just use a pondmaster type filter for the bottom of the pond?  Is there anything else I can do to prevent the filter from clogging, that will still provide the biological filtration I need in a pond this size?  UV is not an option to me.  I will have one, and I would prefer to run it inline with the pump.  Brands to use?  IDeas?


I really do not know what to do on the pond, except for the shape, and location.  Any other input you all have would be greatly appreciated, and much needed.

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if you use a pondmaster filter thats fine. but yes clogging can be annoying.  you can also try a large power head with a very large detachable sponge filter.   if you go with the latter option  i would suggest a couple power heads and LOTS AND LOTS of plants.  the plants will be able to soak up nutrients and prevent super amounts of algae

i would also get floating plants or water lillies to provide shade to the fish that you may want to stock.



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