How long does my aquarium need to cycle befor i can put any Angels in it?

How long does my aquarium need to cycle befor i can put any Angels in it?

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i did mine 4 a week but make sure u test your water


I would stock some smaller fish first and work your way up to more numbers and larger fish as the tank cycle gets established.  Monitor the water for sure.  I have heard some people say it takes like 6 months to a year for a tank to fully establish all the nitrifying bacteria and whatnot.  I would definately give it a few months of cycling before adding angels.  I also agree with Benjamin here, make sure the tank is going to be big enough for how big the angels WILL get.  Don't get them thinking you will get a bigger tank later, get the right sized tank for them to grow into first.  Hopefully you have a pretty big tank.  It would also depend on how many angels in the tank and how many other fish in the tank(bioload), your filtration, water change routine etc.  You could tweek those things to a point to help the cause.  I tend to buy filters bigger than what is needed for my tanks for added assurance.

By the way...What would be the appropriate sized tank for full grown angels?  I don't even know, maybe someone else can enlighten me

if it is brand new, about 4 weeks with all the right conditions. does depends on the size of the tank.


If you had some older gravel, half the amount water of your current tank and take that amount from an existing establish tank when you did a water change, some  fish food, and old filters or medians, it would have been quicker of a week.


Before putting any fish into it. Make sure you test the water!

I'm pretty sure the water doesn't carry any nitrifying bacteria, your best best would be the gravel and filter media
Alright guys, thank you so much! I'm pretty new to this hobby. I have a 30g tank. Kieth H: Yeah i have a filter that was previously used for a 55g and it's workin awesome. My tank is pretty new and it currenty has 2 black skirt tetras and 2 other kind of tetras and they're not showin any cases of stress. Hoping they'll make it through the cycle. Got my water tested and i have high ammonia and for some reason i have some nitrates. Naitrates shouldn't be there since my tank is pretty new right?
I think that is part of the cycling process.  Monitor it and wait for it to drop to nothing or almost nothing before adding more fish IMO.  Ammonia and nitrate and nitrite should spike and the fall as a part of the cycling process as I understand it, that is what the "cycle" is.
i would wait till your levels reach zero could be anywhere from 2-8 weeks.



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