Im stuck between the two. MTS are Malaysian Trumpet Snails that stir up the substrate while they are good for sand, i can't plant HC or dwarf baby tears if I have them. I'd rather have the HC since you can't see the MTS during the day, but it would oxygenate the sand and prevent anaerobic areas. My only question is, could I keep 2" of sand without MTS? I wouldn't be stirring it up or anything because of HC carpet. The sand is Tahitian Moon Sand.

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Why do you have to choose between the two?  MTS will not bother the baby tears.  They don't disturb any roots.  Also good luck with the HC.  I've got high light and  cranked CO2 and can't keep them alive.
Its not the roots that get disturbed. Ive seen it, they come out at night and when they do, they track all over the small.fragile leaves and destroy them. The roots are there, just not the leaves. I have time to try a dry start, so why not give it a shot, but if I have MTS when its filled I wasted all my time.
I know that HC is just about the best looking carpet you can have, but honestly I would go with the MTS if you have sand.  Just because of the benefit they provide and the fact that it's tough to keep the HC alive.
Do you think 2'' of sand will still create anaerobic pockets? It isnt fine sand like play sand, tahitian moon sand is more coarse than pool filter sand in my opinion
I think it will. I've got about that much in my tank over my dirt & I feel a lot safer knowing the MTS are in there.



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