Hey fttv. I'm considering diving into the salty world with my next project. Does anyone have suggestions for stocking a marine tank with or without corals that is between 5 and 15 (maybe 20 but that may be Pushing it). I am a fan of some of he smaller clowns and firefish but I'd also like to see some of the more exotic specimens. Blue ringed (auto correct would not let me type "octo pie") are not an option. Are there similar animals ideal for a nano but more easily and safely transported and humanely captured? I was looking into cuttlefish but I'm not sure what to make of them. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also please excuse any grammar, spelling, or autocorrect errors. It's hard to forum chat on an iPod touch.

Tony G "The AquaStudent"

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Clowns are always best , they will live a long time, mine lived for 5 years in my 12 gallon

yep that's what I've been hearing as well. Which clowns are best for smaller tanks? I know there are quite a few species. Is it possible to mix black clowns and orange clowns (ex one of each). What else would be able to join them?

Could I have 2 Clowns

A Firefish

Anenome (of some sort)

CUC: Hermits, Starfish, Snail, and/or Shrimps

If you want to have two clowns they should be a mated pair, also occelaris clowns are best for begginers as they are hardey and stay small i had a marroon clown witch is the largest species of clown fish and grow to 6 inches, so stay away from them unless you are getting a large tank, also as they get larger they may become aggresive. So i think occelaris clown would be the best choice but it is up to you. A bubble tip anemone would be a good choice because that is the main anemone that clowns host in the wild, your clown fish wont host it for a month or two though. I would go for the largest tank you can afford providing you have the space for it. Keep in mind that the smaller the tank the faster the water will evaporate so you will have to fill the tank more often, salt water evaporates faster than freshwater.

start off with some mushrooms i might get some more this weekened i'll do a video on them if i do



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