This is my first post, and I think I am in the right section.

I currently have a 5 gallon planted betta tank which is about 9 months old. I did a lot wrong. Up until a couple weeks ago it was an algae-infested mess. It is starting to do better though. I have crypt, anubias, java fern, and java moss plants. Besides the betta there are six ghost shrimp. 

I want to get a bigger tank and do it right. Dirted and heavily planted. I am thinking a 20 or 29 gallon with the betta, and a school of neons (not sure on number?). I am also thinking some cory's (what kind?) or oto's or both. Any suggestions? Also, what shrimp should I get? CRS, RCS, or ghost shrimp? What plants do you all recommend for this tank too? I would like to order from Dustin.

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i thinkk u should try to get 29 because since u want to get neons nd corys maybe try the albino corys they are pretty awesome...i had they in the past but try to keep in schools and bout the shrimp i think it better the get cherrys shrimp since i heard they eat algae and with ghost shrimp i think they die really quick.....good luck with ur tank(:
I suggest you get a 20 long. The reason being is if your betta flares and chases the neons the neons will able to having space to swim. You can also hang the filter closer to one end of the tank do that water flow isn't too strong for the betta. A 29 would be sweet but I think they usually come in tall. I don't recall seeing a 29 long but I could be wrong. Take in consideration that your betta needs to come up for air  so try not to have a tall aquarium. Cory's are awesome but you need a school of 7 or more (same with neons) so I would go with ottos. They're schoolin fish too but you can get away by getting 1-3 of them. I just got an Otto yesterday from petsmart for a dollar and he's loving the 20 gallon long.

For fishes I think neon's are quite nice.  Six is the minimal number for fish to school, however, they look better in my opinion in larger numbers.  For corey cat's I'd recommend pygmy or panda corey's.  They're smaller in size.  They can school, but it's not really necessary to get 6, they still hang out with one another in groups of 2 or 3.  From what I seen they enjoy the company of their own species.  Otto catfish are another group of fish that can school up in groups of 6 but many hobbyist keep them in smaller numbers, although they're algae eaters they do require supplemental feedings. (P.S. member aquahound has a pretty informative video on this species if you checkout his channel)  As for shrimp I think CRS have the best appearance but RCS breed easily and have the added benefit of eating algae.

For plant's I'd recommend fast growers to start off with since it's a new tank.  Water sprite, wisteria ludwigia, hyrgophila, vallisneria, and dwarf saggitarria.  Perhaps some floating plants such as frog bit, hornswort, riccia.  Duckweed can also be used, but once added it is difficult to remove.  The fast growing plants will aid your tank in getting established. 

What does everyone think about a 55? 

55 would be great the bigger the less work it is 29 gal and a 20 long are both thirty inchs just tht the 29 gal is taller I would go with a school of 8-12 neons they skool rly nicely for cories I have ten sterbais but I would go with panda cories maybe lik 5-6 ottos are great little critters I would maybe get like 3-5 of them and i dnt know about shrimp to much cause my angels either always eat the shrimp I add in the tank or I just never see them anymore 

Its true a 55 would be less work but now you have to ask yourself if you're setting up a betta tank or just a tank. The way I see it bigger tank, bigger filtration system. Keep in mind bettas like slow moving water.

If you keep the fish count low, add plants, and make frequent water changes the 55 won't need a filter. Bettas love floating plants and logs.

If u can get a 55 do it I have a 3 10 20 and a55 gallon tanks and he 55 is easiest to balance out and is the easiest to maintain.  Plus a 55g community tank with a betta allways looks sweet

I have a 55 community with multiple bettas and they do fine. Got those floating betta logs placed inside the square feeding things so they stay and they love it. They swim with my angels



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