Hi guys,

I've had fish tanks in the past and have started a new one after about 15 yrs out :-)

I've just been given a 60L tank with an internal filter (Jewel). The filter is capable of cleaning twice the water in this tank, it was upgraded.

I've gone for a sand substrate (having never heard of 'dirted tanks or eco complete etc..)

Plants are doing fine however, added fert capsules at there bases, trace elements twice weekly (Flourish comprehensive) and a small and simple CO2 diffuser by Aqua Grow. So far I have introduced 8 standard Harlequins, 8 Rummy nose Tetras and 2 panda Corys. I plan to add 8 Cardinal Tetras and a small Plec .

The Internal filter creates plenty of flow but does not really break the surface tension of the water and create oxygen.

Should I add an airstone? and if I do, is it really worth running the CO2? as I believe airstones pull the CO2 out of the water :-0

Lots to learn! my thanks for any advice :-)



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Anyone? :-)

if ur fish arent gasping for air u dont need and airstone. u dont need crazy surface agitation all that does is help gas exchange. i run compressed co2 with a maxmix co2 reactor and have almost no surface movement on my 55g. all my fish are fine. If u are running high light on ur tank u might need co2 to avoid algae problems. other than that no its not needed if u dont want to run it on ur tank. but co2 does help plants grow a bit faster. if u want to add and airstone do it. They are more for decor and spongefilters .  also yes if u run co2 and a airstone ur basically taking co2 out of water.

Cheers Peter!

Thanks for the reply and clearing a few things up for me.



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