Hello. I saw a youtube video saying that if the viewers are working on a plan for a new tank set up, and want some help along the way, to come here and ask in this forum. So, here I am! I am very excited!

I have done countless hours of research over the past several months and I think for the most part, I am on the right track. I just don't know where to start, rather, how to start. I'm nervous!

My tank dimensions are 48"L  X  19"W  X  22"

I have nothing for it, not even a hood. Got it used from some guy off of Craigslist. I watched steps to taking down a tank and putting it back up, but don't know if that is something I really need to do. It doesn't seem to have any leaks. But, the guy had no idea how long it had been standing length wise up on it's stand, or even how old it is!

What I'm thinking:

I've noticed I prefer"river" fish more often than others (although some quieter water fish have my attention too), so good water movement and crystal clear water is a must. Lots of swimming room!

Dark substrate, driftwood, shells (for husbands 3 dwarf cichlids) and sturdy plants that can survive my lack of know-how and take water movement with ease. I love tall grass-like plants, spiky plants, broad leaved plants, moss, and different colored plants. Most of all I am crazy for floating plants or super tall grass like plants that flow at the water surface with the current.

Must haves for my tank: Glass Catfish and Synodontis Multipunctatus (oh and hubbies kribensis male and pair of cockatoos) 

I am looking for other species to compliment the above and add a pop of color. I was trying to find a black fish (not a molly, goldfish or skirt tetra) Also looking for something white as well (again, not a molly, goldfish or skirt tetra) as a good schooling fish that would add a lot of action and color being around 5" or so in length. Schooling fish with bright colors, stream-line bodies and extremely peaceful would really compliment my glass catfish. I love the Roseline Shark, but am not sure about them due to the strain on the species due to high demand.

I just can't decide! Help! I'm after a tank with vibrant color, along with soft hues and a nice flow. I really enjoy good schoolers. I am not a fan of gouramis and neons because they are everywhere! So are the cichlids, but my husband is a fan, so the 3 dwarfs are a must for the tank. I prefer oder in the tank rather than chaotic movement and don't like fin nippers.


What do you guys suggest for fish, plants and equipment (filtration, lighting ect)  to make this tank dream come true? Thanks in advance!














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couple of corys in that tank would look great.

there is alot to read and learn..

What i suggest first is look for a good lighting and filtratrion first..that is your main focus. Get a good lighting such as T8 or T5 in case you want to keep low medium light plants later on.

Second, as that tank is huge, I think a 55g, either go with a canister filter for that size tank to keep up.

Then we can move  on to plants and fish.

Thank you for your advise! It looks like I was doing it backwards...oops. I was thinking choose the compatible fish first and design the tank around them including what type of filtration, lighting and so on that they would require.

I was reading this morning about lighting for plants. What do you think of SHO lights? From what I read, they produce a good amount of light and have low wasted light energy. Of course I'd have to find good DIY instructions for this set up (no worries though. My husband is incredible at DIY projects and he enjoys them!). I also read about the T2 lights. These are supposedly better than the T5. More expensive intially but from what I read, better in the long run due to wasting a less amount of light energy than T5's. Also the T2's have over 70+ lumens per watt and lower wasted light energy even more so than SHO and CFL lights (again, I know nothing from experience. All I have is my computer and google)

 Another light I came across this morning is the GroBeam Natural Daylight 500 Strips. As well as PAR 38 LED Light.

I tell ya, it is really tough sifting through all of the available products and trying to find the best for my money. I want to avoid lights that won't provide for my fish and plants (naturally) and I definetely want to steer clear of lights that burn out quickly, therefore putting burden on the pocket book. Honestly, I am completely new to wattage, Lumens and all of this! I never realized all the stuff behind the bulb LOL!


Far as filtration, I was thinking the Rena Filtstar XP4 to have clearence with the fish I put in the tank. I really was thinking a high turn over rate even if it's higher than most people use, would be better for me as a beginner, especially with the kinds of fish I am thinking about keeping. Also, from what I've read in forums, people have liked this filter more so than others because it is low maintence and not as messy to deal with during cleanings. 

 Whats important to me far as filters go is that it moves a lot of water every hour, keeps the water nearly crystal clear, is low maintenance and easy to understand and use yet being cost effective. One thing I don't want to be doing is having to replace the filter sponge every 2-4 weeks. That would NOT be cost effective.

So, I plugged the tank dimensions into Malawimahem.com and found it to be an 88.5 gallon tank. Then I plugged them into Aqadvisor.com and found it to be a 67.9 gallon tank. I wonder why such a big difference? One reason I thought of could be that one sight is being careful and adjusting the gallons assuming that the tank has thick sides. Weird. The guy who sold it to us said it was a 75 gallon. That's why we bought it because that was the size we needed for the aquarium we are imagining.

Look forward to hearing back. Thank you for you time by the way! I appreciate it very much!     



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