will i lose co2 in my dirt tank if i use a canister filter?

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i love using canister

okey! thanks for the rep :)
i read that if there is alot of surface agitation, then the co2 will be lost

I love my canister filter.  Using a Fluval FX5 but there are folks using other quality brands with just as much success.


Here is a great CO2 system that taps into a canister filter.  You couldn't use it without this one and it's a nice setup.  http://www.aquariumplants.com/product_p/co2-a1.htm


The other nice thing I like about my FX5 is it has valves on the input/output that you can adjust to increase/decrease the flow rate coming into the tank from the output.


Dustin has a vid where he gets all bent about an Eheim leaking on him via a bad gasket.  He switched to a Fluval FX5 as well.  That filter is rated up to a 400 gallon tank.  I had to go with that one or get two 405 filters.


There are folks who use different kinds of filters with very good success.  One kid on here has a 10 gallon with a 70's glass wool / charcoal filter and it's amazing.  Crystal clear tank.  Check it out:



Carlos Almazan's got it rolling with a filter from the 70's.  Killer tank.  ;-)


So in closing a filter is part of the equation but the real trick is to roll with what you got and get it balanced. 


But EVERY single choice you make about your tank has trade offs.  Good to reach out and get a plan.  You can never over plan in my opinion.  Always learning new stuff from folks on this site as well.  Happy planning!  :-)



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