How often do you guys change your water??? And What Percent???

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I do 50% every week mainly for the plants

i do 10-20% every weekend.
your better not waiting till anything goes "out of wack" mate that's when problems start , but if it's working for you them it's upto you
I Change about 20-25 percent every week in my 55
50% or about that in all my tanks.  my shell dweller and bricardi tank get cleaned with a water change every 7-10 days depending on what I have going on.  I try to do a thorough cleaning with the water changes so if I have to let it slide for 10 days or even 2 weeks, it is fine.  My planted tank I have been doing 50% every week, sometimes more often, especially if the tannins from the dirt and wood start to turn the water tea colored.  This is slowly going away, but I like to keep up on my tank maintenance and keep everything looking tip top for my and my families enjoyment.  I keep an eye out for dead leaves or debris in the planted tank, and if I see anything it gets removed immediately.  I try to keep this piece pristine.

I change my

40 gall tank water 2 times a week  doing 25% or once a week doing 45-50 %.


It really depends when things get foul in bacteria blooms or what-not.

Thanks for all the reply!!! Helps to know what and how the community does things!!!

Its still interesting to read how different people does different thing... With pretty much the same result, "Happy Fish"


i have the do about 25-30% water change a week and i use prime.


I do about 30 to 40% a week, seems to work for the plants and the fish
I do a 10% every week on a certain day
I do a 25-30% change every two weeks in my 29 gallon.  My daughter's 16 gallon is still a "new"tank, so I change the water every week in that one.  My koi pond gets a 25% change EVERY week.
I change 25-30 % in my 30 gal. every week



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