Ive got a 75 gal tank with a generic setup, for the time being. Ive gone through 2 set of angle fish so far, they look good and eat good then usually around two weeks one will die then a few days later the other one dies. I do regular water changes between 20% and 50%. I will admit that I have been buying the fish from a major pet store chain and I was wondering if thats the problem, but all the other fish that Ive bought from there have made it, including guppies. So Im just wondering if theres something special that I need to be doing for them..... and I was using salt in my tank but recently stopped wondering if that was the problem ... Any advice would be greatly appreciated..

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Sweet! Sold blacks are really nice. Are you going to have just Angels in the 75 or some other fish too? Got any pics or vids of this tank?

may be ur tap water dosent suites the angel habitat mine are very healthy and beautiful every 3 months i get 12 Angels from pet store and after 3 months they get big enough to exchange it with some other expensive fish , but in my tap water only angle fish gets big other fishes stay the same size in 3 months

my tap water is fine after using dechlorinator and a little ph downer.... i do have some fish that usually only eat at night so i feed them before i go to bed and let the food sit, usually gone in the morning, i was wondering if the angels were eating it and therefore death by chubbynes


salt probally isnt the prob unless its had chems of some sort at he shop are they crowded .when you put them in the tank how long do you float them, do you even float them do they have anything diffrent about them. small salt like spot . patches that look like rust anything that doesnt look like it should be there how big are the angels. guppies are probally one of the hardiest fish so somethng thats okay for a guppy could be devistating for other fish

theyre not crowded plenty of room in the 75,,, and i usually float all my fish for at least an hour,, and ive never noticed anything unusuall about them but maybe ive just not been looking close enough


when u first get angels they should be kinda shy and jumpy and when they get used to everything they get exited by movement an when they are not eating they are exploring the tank or moving verry slowly across the tank do yours do anything like this when u get them

well i havent had any last more than 2 or 3 weeks,, but yes the first few days they seem kinda skiddish and then they act more chilled out sort of just lazily cruisin around ,, and when i would put in food they would go after it and chow down like normal,, so i dont know what the deal is... maybe just need to go to a more reliable place for the fish

Hey i breed angelfish and angelfish are super easy to keep...problem might be where your buying from...if your buying from a big chain store your going to get super duper stressed out angelfish...and if you only have to angelfish 50% water changes is crazy...send me a private message and i can answer probl all your question or just make a video for you hopefully helping you with angelfish..i have some videos on angelfish check my youtube channel out

awesome,,, the person ive been looking for.. i have recently found a lfs that carries some really awesome angelfish so i will be going there in a few to get a couple... and i just subscribed to your youtube page so now ill know all the tricks of the trade.. Thanks alot

I'm definitely subscribing to your youtube page too. I had the same problem with a batch of 5 Angels about 2 months ago. They all died, one a week untill there were none left. I love Angelfish and don't want to give up on them either but I could use some tips as well. I found an awesome local breeder.....I just don't have a spare tank right now :(

I would be really careful when adding your ph down- thats some hard core chemical- make sure you really pre-mix it into your water before you pour it into the tank- Do you really need to use ph down ???


I also breed angelfish, the supplier is probally to blame. Also if you tend to buy large fish they are more likely to survive the move to your tank. They are easy to keep IMO.



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