Hey fishtank people!

I have a 38 gallon planted aquarium and i'm starting to have to many plants cause of growth so i want to start to transplant them into another tank.

I have a tank that is between 5-10 gallons that i am thinking of dirting.

What kinda cap should i use? sand gravel?

But my biggest question is would this be worth it running the tank with 1 T8 light? it overhangs the tank by 2 inches on each sides but i was hoping it would work?

I'll take all the input i can get.

Thanks fish tank people,

Josh Ross aka JR

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the word u are looking for is a grown out tank..


its doesn't even matter cause its going to out grown anyway and plants u don't need go into it for later

You should be fine with the light. Sand or gravel is a personal preference, either one will work fine. However, it won't be long until this smaller tank is overgrown as well.



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