Views: 51

Comment by GSP on January 26, 2012 at 6:13pm

Christian, It's looking good, but that damn rock in the centre is just... wrong! It dominates the attention in the tank. If you but your thumb over that rock in the photo, the tank looks 100% better. It would even look fine if the middle rock was moved over to the left 15cm.

I just feel it's holding you back. Take it as you will. The left side looks great, the right side looks great, but together separated by the stone your eye-sight cannot flow accross the tank.

Comment by GSP on January 26, 2012 at 6:14pm

What spectrum bulbs are you using? The colour looks fantastic.

Comment by Christian on January 26, 2012 at 6:30pm

I can see why you would think that rock is dominant, but give it time to grow in, you gotta remember that the stellatus, and the difformis will get a LOT bigger, hopefulle the crinum will too, and i think that'll help the flow a lot. :)

This photo is shot with just the dimmed nightlight No photo editing at all though. The reason the light seems not very dimm is that the camera has some sort of feature that helps it shoot in poor light conditions. The bulbs as they are now are 2x philips aquarelle full spectrum bulbs, exellent plant bulbs, with a very blue-ish visible light. color temperature is 10000k. In combination with 2x Osram 827, with a temperature of 2700k, again, as iv'e said many times, awesome plant bulbs. I will switch the aquarelle bulbs to a couple of osram 865 (6500k) when i find them locally.

Comment by GSP on January 26, 2012 at 6:44pm

Well prove me wrong I guess, your being stubborn, so will I. :D  I'll challenge you to move it 8" to the left and take the same photo again. Every ounce of the Artist within me is screaming about that rock Ahaha. I don't think the Stems on the left will affect that rock at all, its that flat front that's distracting.

The lighting looks solid. I'm looking to experiment some more with different bulbs when funding allows.

Comment by Christian on January 27, 2012 at 1:57pm

Hehe, maybe, but most people seem to like that centre rock as a focus point to draw in ones attention, and just letting the eyes flow from that point. :) People have said it's like looking at 2 different scapes in the same tank, and i kinda like that idea. If im not happy with it once the tank matures, it can easily be moved, so it's not a big deal. :) I like it as it is, and it is, after all, me that has to look at it every day. ;)

In any case it won't be moved to the left, that would completely ruin the left side i think,, no more lilaeopsis "field" with the crinum "tree", and the forrest of pogostemon stellatus would be hidden, if i decide to move it, it would be a bit further back so it's not as prominant a feature. :)

Comment by Dakota Malone on January 27, 2012 at 3:14pm

Beautiful dude


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