Nessie again, named after the Loch Ness Monster.

Views: 64

Albums: Pleco's

Comment by Noddy on October 27, 2011 at 12:10pm
thanx! I've had this pleco for a very long time, and it was a gift from a friend, who's dad owned this pleco, but was hospitalized due to Korsakov's disease. He couldn't care for his fish anymore, and the poor pleco was never fed anything in particular. he survived by eating scraps and poo. The poor thing was very underfed , but within some months of TLC, he became fatter and started to grow. Now he's a foot long and eats a quarter of a zuchinni a day!!!
Comment by Noddy on October 28, 2011 at 8:06am
pleco's are amazing and can breath air through their stomachs. Plus they are detrinivores, that means that can eat s#it,and live on that they.The big ones cah survive outside water for a long time,upto 30hours! and can stand awfull waterconditions. That has been his luckk they're real survivors. Good you rescued him!plecos are my first love, when it comes to fish.i study them for over 4 years now, they still amaze me.
Comment by Noddy on October 28, 2011 at 10:29am

I've got some pics of him when he came to my tank, and you wouldn't believe how poor he looked...

I had grown a lot of algae in the 180Gl tank, when i still had my coldwater setup, and i had 6 other pleco's in there. None of them did any cleaning of the decorations or stones. Lazy b@st@rdz!

Until Nessie came into the tank. He cleaned the complete interior including background within 2 day !!!I'll post 2 links , one of how the tank looked , when Nessie was introduced into the tank:


And this is how he keeps the tank and interior clean.He origionally did this within 2 days:


This shows that a pleco cannot be happy and healthy on algae alone, for the algae had grown for over half a year, and he finished all algae in 2 days!

btw You can see if a pleco is healthy, by looking at their heads. They store their surplus fat around the indentation on their heads. So if the head is full and round, the pleco is well fed.

If the indentations are caved in, the pleco is usually underfed.

Sorry about going on about Plecos, but i really love them best.

I just needed more fish to make the tank more lively, for a pleco only tank can be pretty dull!


Comment by Noddy on October 29, 2011 at 2:58am

you're welcome.

Breeding pleco's is a dream for me, but my house is kinda full, and my time is limited.

But when done correctly, you can make some money by breeding them, esp. if you choose a lil' more special species of ancistrus.

Maybe you know this site allready:

imo that the best plecosite around, with the best identifying tools around, for any catfish!

If you don't know that one, go check it out!

Comment by Noddy on October 29, 2011 at 3:05am

I'll register and check that site out, looks like fun.

We have some members at that are succesfully breeding those lovely pleco's and they do earn back any costs made on breeding them, plus some extra $...

I need more room, time and money before i start a breeding project.

I first need a tank with a bigger footprint for my comm tank.

I'd love that one to have a foootprint of 3,5'x 3,5 foot, for i have so many Bottom dwellers in there.

Most babies, but you gotto be prepared, right?;)

Comment by Fishtankkid on November 2, 2011 at 9:44pm is a awesome site i think it is the best pleco and catfish site around also, that is where i do all my reaserch on plecostomus and other catfish species. Catfish are my favorite group of fish on the planet i love them so much all my tanks are made up of pretty much bottom dwellers and loaches. I think that they have the coolest color pattern and they all have there own characteristics. My favorite group of catfish are the syno cats they are so cool and cute, my favorite species of syno are multipunctatus they are so cool and can live in brackish water and fresh water. I own two synodontis eurupterus also known as african feather fin cats because of there feather like dorsal fin or back fin.


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