Sorry for the dirty glass... This is my 55 Gallon aquarium. You can see the plants pearling in the evening. Just planted the Rotalas but all these plants are growing very very fast. Most plants came from

Lighting - 4x39 Watt T5HO (1-10000k 1-Pink 2-65000k)
Substrate - EcoComplete
DIY Co2 Two 2-Liters into Ista MaxMix via inline
Filter - Eheim 2217 Canister
Hardscape - Seiryu Stone
PLANTS - Dwarf Hairgrass, Staurogyne Repens, Glosso, Hydrocotle, Blyxa Alberti, Rotala Colorata, Rotala Indica and Rotala Rotundifolia, Limnophila Hippuroides, Riccia Fluitans, Fissidens fontanus

Ferts - EI Dry Ferts via this method
- I dose on M W F and change water on Sunday or Monday

Views: 36

Albums: 55 Gallon


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Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments

10 Gallon planted Guppy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments


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