A morning feeding; noticed my two angels in the corner, fins clamped, swollen bellies, a protruding anis that is a little red, not bleeding, but irritated looking, and they were covered in a milky coating. They wouldn’t eat that morning, but kept darting for food but returning to the corner without eating. I pulled them out of the tank, and into my quarantine tank. This tank is empty, so they kept rubbing themselves on the glass bottom, then they would sit, fins clamped and pointed slightly up and twitching, sometimes launching forward super fast and then slowly they swim backwards to their sitting spot; which was usually by the filter intake or right next to the heater. So I Googled around and came up with a bacterial infection in their stomachs, which made sense because I fed them some frozen food the night before, but only the angels got sick, there are close to 5 other speices that ate the same frozen food; including neons, but also I came up with Velvet Disease and 90 other diseases; including, angelfish AIDS which broke out in 1986. Crazy.

Anyways this is what I have done so far. I change 35% to 50% of their water once day, Melafix (just cause I have some), antibiotics, aloe vera, and a tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons. I bumped the temp up to 88-90 ish and held it there for the week and I am now just starting to bring it back to their normal 76, and using less and less salt. (By having the fish in warmer water, their immune systems work better)

The first day they didn’t eat, just sat there near the heater or intake covered in slime, twitching, fins clamped, bellies swollen, anis protruding, darting every once in awhile, and rubbing themselves on the glass bottom or tank sides. (Sometimes they wouldn't use one of their side fins, it was just held flat against their body while the other went to town to keep them still & upright)

The second day, the coating was clearing up but not all gone, still twitching, bellies swollen, anis protruding and all the rubbing, darting. But they wanted to eat and were super excited to see me. I fed them very little flake food.

Skip a few days

The coating all gone, they eat and act normal, still on restricted portions though. They swim around normal, and I don’t notice any twitching. As they swim their fins look normal, fully spread, not ripped, looking just like they did, but as soon as they stop swimming they clamp. They seem to be 100% like they were before this, personality wise, but their bellies are still swollen and the anis is still protruding. At first their poo was almost clear, now it is normal.

I'm thinking we may have beaten this, except the still swollen bellies, anis problems, and the clamped fins. I am thinking it is because it’s still warm in the tank and maybe the swelling will dissipate when they are in cooler waters? Or am I jumping the gun by thinking that my Angels are going to live? Any info would help, any at all. I know too much antibiotics for humans can cause upset stomach and blood in number 2's. As of today they are still on the antibiotics, but their bellies were swollen before antibiotics, so I know the antibiotics didnt cause the swelling, but is it keeping it from going away? If there is there still an infection in their bellies I dont want to take them off the antibiotics, I believe that the antibiotics are what are saving my fish so far.

14 days after treating them I returned them to their normal home tank. Fins still clamp when they stop swimming; but they look good, they eat, and the belly swelling is going.

A few days in their normal tank and their fins are unclamped and they are 100% healed.

I believe the salt, temp, and antibiotics saved my fish. A freshwater disease, I believe will not do well in salt.

Views: 73

Comment by Robert Jango on September 13, 2012 at 7:58am

I know when I'm in over my head; so I make it my business to know people smarter than me. I'm gonna refer you to someone who can probably help.

Send your email to this site: Aquarimax.com. Rus Wilson will address it thoroughly on Wednesday when his podcast comes out or he may even email you back sooner. Tell him "Bob from Boston" referred you. Rus is a professional zoologist who teaches and does research for a university. He and his wife are very thoughtful and and his answers reflect a genuine sense of caring and, most importantly, scientific background. You won't find anyone online who knows more and is better equipped to help you.

One of the smartest guy on this site goes by the name GSP. Right now he's super busy working overtime but he may be able to help if you can get a hold of him. And I'm sure you don't let Dustin's "street" talk fool you. He's also very knowledgable and unfortunately very busy. 

Comment by ŦůRbö ۰ Ҏяѻ ۰ on September 13, 2012 at 11:30am

Thanks so much. I be looking forward to Rus's input. well its water change time, then school. thanks again!

Comment by bob d. on October 11, 2012 at 8:33pm

What type of antibiotics did you use for the angel?

Comment by Robert Jango on October 12, 2012 at 2:35am

Check out the Aquarimax.com podcasts for Wednesday for September 26th and September 19th where Turbo's Angels are discussed at length including the types of antibiotics used. The dates might be off by a day or two but that's where you'll find it. 


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