What's up guys and gals,

So the other day I found myself talking to my fish, again.  Does anyone ever talk to their fish?  I think my most common is, "Good morning, fishies".  Thought this would be pretty funny to see what people say.  Also, what kinds of personalities have you noticed with your fish and how did they get that way?  (i.e. shy, aggressive, curious).




Views: 88

Comment by Raymond Boulanger on August 28, 2012 at 9:55pm

Well i talk to mine a bit mainly when im doing work on the tank just random things and when im feeding them and personalities in my fish well my neons (5 each are a bit diff from each other some braver then the others and some could get niped by the bigger rainbows and not have a care in the world) now that i mentioned my neons getting niped by the rainbow it was a mistake by the male turquoise this morning when i fed he got frantic and nip the neon trying to get some food thinking he was getting a peace of flake and he kinda put him self in time out and the male and female bosmaine was not to happy with him eather .... cause they the little buddies they all get along thanks to the neons ..... but yeah my american flag fish are still fairly new and are in a species only planted so they are still coming into there own

Comment by ŦůRbö ۰ Ҏяѻ ۰ on August 29, 2012 at 2:21am

LOL. I say good morning to my fishes as well. I tell my Angel fish that they have had enough food everytime I look at the tank. They go crazy looking at the surface for food when a human approaches the tank. It is crazy to think how smart Angel fish are. I will also reinsure them that it is going to be ok while I clean their tank. ha-ha

Comment by Broxton Rose on August 29, 2012 at 5:44pm

If I see a fish doing something epic I'll be like "Wow your the best" Or something Lol Or I will call them fat

Comment by Ernest Lee on August 29, 2012 at 7:53pm


I think your was the best so far.  I have called my fish fat numerous times, especially the upside down catfish I got.  His belly is huge!

Comment by seth roach on August 31, 2012 at 1:10am

i usually scream what up fishes'. almost like what up b*#!hes when i enter my room with tank in it.. and definitely talk to them all the time...but i talk to plants too...and my motorcycle..and several other inanimate objects. sooo........haha

Comment by ŦůRbö ۰ Ҏяѻ ۰ on August 31, 2012 at 2:29am

HAHA I talk to my bikes and cars too. I live in Az so its 110 durring the day, So if im ridding or driving, I'll let my car or bike know that we are almost home to the garage, or apologize to them if I hit a pot hole, the red light is taking to long, or I have to park them in the sun. I dont think I have talked to my plants, but I yell at my xbox for being stupid if I get into a gun battle on MW3 or BF3 and lose.


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