Hey everyone, I just set up a 30g tropical community tank with dirt... its still kinda cloudy. But with a few water changes that should clear up nicely. Anyways I had some questions
. Also here's my stocking idea. Please tell me if this will work or not.

3 black skirt tetra
2 Molly
2 kribensis
3 otocinclus
4 platy
2 Cory catfish (stay around 2")

So that's it ^^^. The questions I have are posted below.

1. I've heard that if you have a pair of kribs they'll breed so fast and take over your tank, is this true?
2. What are good algae/bottum feeders? (Stay under 5" please)
3. What are good community cichlids? (Small also please:)

Okay, that's it. Thanks!!!

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1. if you keep them healthy and maintain (of course have a breeding pair) you'll have a good amount but im not sure if they'll breed crazy

2. cory cats for bottom feeding but algae shrimps possible

3. any apistos or rams but still take caution as they still are cichlids

Okay great. thanks
i have a vid on my page of my 30g if you wanna check it out
Okay. Are apistos a group of ciclid or an actual one spiecies?
Have you ever owned kribs?
apistos are dwarf cichlids haven't own kribs only rams and apistos but kribs are similar to apistogrammas
black skirt tetras and corys are both schooling fish. keep at least 6 of both. not sure about the others.
Ok if it's a newly setup tank your going to wanna cycle it. What I do is cycle your tank with fish food. If u know someone with a biologically established tank then use their filter media or squeeze it out onto yours. Or you could always get it from a pet store. After this put about five flakes of fish food in the tank without fish everyday. The uneaten food will create ammonia which will feed your and bacteria to colonize in your tank and filter. Test your ammonia levels and after they start rising they will decrease to a steady very low level or zero. Then the same will happen with your nitrite levels. After your tanks finished being cycled nitrates will be in your tank and arent as harmful as ammonia and nitrite. Nitrate is removed through frequent water changes as it cannot be processd by bacteria. Since you'll have plants they will keep your nitrates low because they use them as nutrients. When adding the fish do it slowly usually two to one fish at a time so it doesn't overwhelm your filter. About the fish choice, the mollies in my case didnt do well in freshwater as they do better in brackish water(all of my other fish were flourishing). A good alternative to mollies is platys because they are freshwater and good community fish. Three platys would be good(two females and one male). As for the black skirt tetras I would suggest getting at least 4 of them because they are schooling fish. Cories are great and hardy and also scavenge around your tank. I really wouldn't get kris because they aren't really community fish and can be aggressive. Apistos or rams are good for a community but need to be acclimated properly and optimal water conditions are required. As for the otos, acclimation has to be done properly and water changes are appreciated by these fish. Amano or red cherry shrimp are good at eating algae and plecos are too. Hope this helps and happy fish keeping!!!! (:
Thanks for your help. And ya my tank is already cycled And all that goood stuff!
have you ever owned kribs?how do you know their aggressive??
No, but friend had them in his community tank and whenever I came over the kribs would be harassing and biting all of the fish. He had two and it was a male and a female. Eventually he had to sell them. I also know from research and people just telling me.

Cory's are a great choice, but I would suggest getting 3 or more. I have 4 in my 45 and they do an awesome job keeping the bottom of the tank very clean.


As for algae eaters you should be pretty good with your 3 otocinclus if you go by the general rule of thumb of 1 oto per 10 gallons, but if you want another algae eater that stays small check out Bristlenose plecos. Have one in my 45 and he had that thing spotless in 3 days.


Rams are good community cichlids. Here is a link that talks about how they do in a community tank http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=830+889+1084&.... Keep in mind that they can be territorial and in a 30 with the fish that you have discussed above I would recommend sticking with one or a pair (1 male and 1 female).


Good luck with the tank!



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