Stocking a 29 gal planted tank! Looking for out of the box schooling fish and also a pair of something as a center piece! Surprise me!

Views: 121

Comment by Dan w on February 6, 2014 at 4:08pm

my dwarf corys swim in a school on the bottom and clean up the tank nice, not very pretty tho

Comment by Tyler De Young on February 6, 2014 at 4:16pm
I was thinking about getting a group of cories! How many do you have?
Comment by Bob Fletcher on February 17, 2014 at 3:31pm

I love large groups of cories, like 10 or more. They keep the bottom of the tank interesting. They separate out into different "gangs" , set up territories, get together for mass meetings, and other silly antics.

Hatchet fish are pretty cool in larger groups, but they don't really move around much unless the tank is very well planted. I have not had great success with them, probably due to the rock hard water in my area.

Larger groups of Tetras can be interesting. Serpaes, Blood, Congo, and other slightly more aggressive Tetras form into factions, with a distinct pecking order, minor conflicts, and other interesting behaviors.

I tend to like the smaller fish because plants are my main focus, but schools of Cichlids are very interesting, but tend to demolish the plants.



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