Day 3 discus babies Tell me what you think.

well here is day two of my discus pair. they are doing good just have a question for all of you about the eggs. watch the video and tell me what you think.

Views: 164

Comment by Robert Jango on May 18, 2012 at 9:55pm

I couldn't make out the word, "There's a little bit of [scum?] right there in the middle" but I could see that you've got some white coloration in the egg patch. From my imperfect view through your camera it looks like some of the eggs got fungused. This means they were attacked by bacteria. Don't worry; its normal. It could be these particular eggs weren't fertilized or just got dirty. Experienced parents will eat or remove them so the fungus doesn't spread, but if they don't I think you'll be ok since its already day 3 and the fungus hasn't spread throughout the whole batch.

In the wild Discus live in water that other fish and plants don't like. Its usually extremely soft and acidic. This type of water makes it difficult for any living thing to survive, including bacteria. But Discus love it!!! It protects them and their eggs. How else do you think a big, round, slow, fish stays alive in the wild? From their good looks?

Here's some news that might be bad. If your water is too hard and alkaline, the eggs may not hatch. The reason has to do with chemistry. I won't explain it here, but if it is, its to late to do anything anyway. Also, I don't know what your temp is. It should be 80-85.  If it isn't raise it. At this temp you might start seeing wrigglers tomorrow.

Now here's some good news. Discus love rain water. I use rain barrels beneath my roof gutters to collect it. Try it if you can. Since your Discus are breeding now they'll probably breed again and again. If this first batch is unsuccessful (and many times it is) replace most of your water with rain water, raise the temp, and give your Discus some live food. They will keep breeding!!

I hope the night light idea helps. But not too bright - busy parents need sleep!

There is another fish site you should know about. It is called Its a husband and wife team that sends out a podcast every week about people with fish questions. The husband's name is Rus and he is a professional zoologist. Send him your video. I guarantee they will love it and really help you. He's a real scientist and knows a lot more about fish than I do.

Since you're breeding Discus, you're officially a serious fish hobbyist. Congrats once again! I'm so jealous that I almost went out and bought some small blue ones today. I was thinking about your video. But definitely check the other site and listen to one of their podcasts. It will give you a pretty good idea about them.


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