Does anyone know if u can test for diseases, I've had a lot off losses in the last few weeks. All my water tests r perfect nothing has change in my routine/water changes. Have lost 6 gourami, 1 glass fish, 10 neon, 3 cherry neons, 2 cory's 4 angels.

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is your water properly oxygenated? do you have tropical temperatures?

i run a air pump with 2 stones, a external ehiem and a internal powerhead. tempreture yes tropical i usually run it a between 24-27 degrees.

how are u doing your maintenance?

once a week i take out about 25% of the water, clean the glass replace the water with fresh dechlorinated water i also add a stress zyme and stress coat and as most off us do i would estimate the temp off the water i'm adding. everything seems to feed ok and my plants are growing well, just can't work it out. the only diseases that i could see was that one off cory's had a small white spot but it has not got worse nore spread to anything else.???

that white spot is ick. you wana treat that before other fish get it too

how are u cleaning your filter?

My external filter I clean out every 3 months and replace the fine pad every 6 months. My internal sponges I rinse out in tank water every other week.

I suddenly had the same problem too. I did a water change and a couple of hours after my fish are acting weird and I think I'm gonna loose two serpae tetras. Maybe three. And it's only really effecting them.. I'm confused.

I'm putting down to shit fish from the store maybe they are stressed or diseased before I get them. Do u use any off these stress coats when u do a water change or when u add fish, haven't been using until a couple off weeks ago and I'm still losing stuff.

No I don't. I use spring water. So I have no need for it. My thing was it only killed my serpae tertras from what I say before I had to leave for work. All my green tiger barbs are alive my octocinclus Siamese algae eaters gold and orang platties, Cory's what shrimp I have left as well as all the three month old babie fish are all alive and kicking. One thing I noticed are the fish that died had signs of at one te being picked on and having battle scars. So idk if it's what I did. An infection or if what I did cause the infection to kill them. But I don't think it's the water quality or the swing of ph cause I have more sensitive fish that should have died first.

Sounds the Same as me I have 5 glass fish which r all ok, I was told that they r very sensitive to diseases. So I would imagine that they would go first If I had a problem but it seemed to take out all my tetras. :-((



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