My LFS is having a sale at the beginning of December and all of their freshwater fish and plants are going to be 50% off! I have felt for a little while that my tank is missing something. I plan on getting a few more plants, but I am not sure what do do as far as fish. I feel like I can't let this awesome sale go by, but I am lost on what to add. I currently have (in a 45G 36wx24hx13d) 7 rummy nose tetras, 4 cory cats, 3 yoyo loaches (soon to be 4 cause the 3rd seems lonely), 1 bristlenose pleco and 5 snails that the yoyos won't eat. I want something that will help fill the upper part of the tank if possible or just add a little more character. I know most of you would say hatches as they stay to the surface of the water, but I have never been a huge fan. Any suggestions are appreciated. My LFS is pretty well stocked and have more species that your average petco.

Also, I suppose I should ask if anyone thinks that I would be over stocking the tank by adding more then my current stock.

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I like to have a centerpiece to go along with a school.  Like an angel or apisto.  Something that really stands out.  But after looking at your tank and the way it's setup I wouldn't go that route.  What I would do is put a huge school in there.  If you are set on keeping the Rummys  I would add like 13-18 more and make a nice school of 20-25 tetras.  That would be a good look.  Or some other type of schooling fish.

your store got good deal then...


look into top water fish...not sure what your store carrys?



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