okay okay okay,, so ive been a member of this awesome group for bout a year or so.  ive read, ive watched, ive learned.... and now i do believe im ready to convert my generic 75gal to a dirted planted ecosystem,, i got just one simple question,, sand or gravel  ?????? i love the way sand looks but im wondering if its a pain to deal with...          keep up the good work FTtv

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I converted my 75 gallon about two months ago. The first time I tried it I used the play sand from lowes for the cap, but I did not wash the sand first and my water just stayed cloudy all the time, even after carefully changing the water several times. And on top of all of that, my plants were just dying back and just generally didn't look good. I had large pockets of gas under the sand cap. I transferred my fish and plants to a large rubbermaid tub with my heater and canister filter running it. Then I took the whole tank down and started over. I picked as much of the large bark pieces out if the mircle grow and I watered it overnight so that it would soak up the water. Then the next night I used thoroughly washed black blasting media that is a very small gravel. I got a 100 pound bag of it for $12. So far it is working great. My plants have assimilated to the situation and are growing with 2.4 watts a gallon and currently no co2.
The play sand used to be different, I used to use it in my ciclid tanks without washing it and had no cloudy water. And you know how crazy ciclids can get.
I have to recommend the small gravel, and the black gravel really makes your fish, shrimp and plants really stand out. Also I would add some chunks of clay to the miracle grow, I wish I had at the time of setup, now I am going to have to try inserting some under each plant.
Good luck, dirt is my way of having a nice planted tank on a budget, it would have cost me over $200 for substrate alone had I not used dirt. To me that out weighs the work, plus you will be more proud of it if you have to work for it.

if you use sand use POOL FILTER sand. not play sand. PFS will not compact, trap gases, or keep oxoygen from getting to the plants like many other sands.


it really depend on what you really want and like. If you like sand go for it...vice versa for gravel.



I like gravel, it seems to get more water flow to the dirt.



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