im just very lost on how, if my gravel will work for capping and all sorts of questions... i was going to do a mixture of miracle grow, sand, clay, and a little ash that is decomposed. my gravel is a larger grain like you would find at petsmart. will it be able to cap it right and allow me to plant with out disturbing the dirt. also how long will it take to settle at the bottom and add my fish back ?
i wouldnt recommend putting your fish back in after dirting for some time because the dirt will release alot of ammonia into the water when you submerge it. i know that people do it and get away with doing so with massive water changes but i would advise against it.
Like I said I've done it twice with no problems. I should have mentioned to check Ammonia levels after a massive change like this. I'm on day 6 of my recent dirting and still reading 0 NH3 and I check water parameters for the first week or 2 to make sure everything is OK. I must have plenty of bio bact. going on, enough to offset the loss of substrate bact.
To what are you attributing the spike in ammonia? The amount of ammoniacal nitrogen in the dirt should be able to be handled by the plants and bact. I think it is soluble and any extra should be taken care of with a few water changes if need be. I know that's a lot of shoulds. lol
also i have two large amazon swords that are pretty rooted already will that be a problem??
if they're already planted then i wouldnt bother removing them...#1 because im lazy...#2 because it'll cause a big mess and release tons of nutrients into the water'll release tons of nutrients into the water
but like thats the problem they are the only plants i can get to root that way. o nothing is "growing" per say
in your non-dirted tank? maybe you should upload some not really understanding what you're trying to do and what the problem is. if the amazons are rooted in a non dirted tank then just take them out....if they are rooted in a dirted tank then you should be fine and other plants SHOULD be able to grow....if in a dirted tank and other plants arent growing then i really dont know >.>
yea its non dirted lol thats what i was saying. all i have is high lighting i have pics on my profile if you can just save me the trouble and go there lol
dirt your tanks and your plants will grow
do you think 25 ponds of soil will be enough for a good bottom or should i get more?
i only used about 12-14lb for a a 25lb bag is more then enough
oh and can somebody tell me about how much i should have like dirt,clay,sand ext. i have a 75 gallon
Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Tuh Bahd Phish on March 5, 2019 at 10:12am 2 Comments 1 Like
Started by Richard in General Discussion (off topic). Last reply by Patrick Aug 16, 2020. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Zachary Kittle in General Discussion (off topic) Oct 31, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Zachary Kittle in General Discussion (off topic) Oct 30, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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