My favorite filter is Aqueon filters.

There cheap and pump out alot of gallons an hour.

4 way filtriation


So whats your favorite?

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i like my marineland emperor 400 filter for my 55 gallon

For Hang-backs. It is Aquaclear, Fluval C seris, and Marineland. The reason why because they have a good ratio of median and flow. I personally Aqueons are not my taste for filters. But can easily mod a filter and replace your carbon instead. Using Tetra plastic and use a bag. Their internal pump is nice thing I like their currently Aqueon design though.


Canister- It is usually ether Fluval or Eheim. Fluval for balance of price and performance ratio and Eheim for higher quality. Everything else pretty much just too risky.

I have an FX5 which is a beast on my 220.... I never clean it...


My 75s just have a whisper hang on backs...just stuck with them, never had the need to try anything new....


Your best filter is a water change.

right now i'am using an ehiem classic and aqua clear. want to try the emperor 400, so might be getting rid of the aqua clear
I have the Tetra Whisper PF 10 and love it, it seems to filter out the water really well and is easy to maintain.
I had the waterfall style filters for a long time. They broke down regularly, and left calcium stains on the my tank. I now rock the Fluval canister style filter. It is silent, reliable, and gosh darn it! I like it!
try an eheim 2227 i have on and i love it

ive got 2 eheim 2217s on my 56 gallon and its great.

Fluval Filters are indeed the best no matter the series. I started my 55 gallon with two Fluval C4 filters and they are doing a great job keep the water clear and clean.
the best is aqua clear because there quite and a real good filtration system
dude it doesnt matter how much water it puts out what really  matters is the amount of media surface area water is touching
I have an Aqueon filter.. works good enough for me. =P



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