Ive got a 75 gal tank with a generic setup, for the time being. Ive gone through 2 set of angle fish so far, they look good and eat good then usually around two weeks one will die then a few days later the other one dies. I do regular water changes between 20% and 50%. I will admit that I have been buying the fish from a major pet store chain and I was wondering if thats the problem, but all the other fish that Ive bought from there have made it, including guppies. So Im just wondering if theres something special that I need to be doing for them..... and I was using salt in my tank but recently stopped wondering if that was the problem ... Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
my recommendation: stop getting more angelfish.
Beats me, im no expert in Angels but I find them to be exptremely hardy. My smaller anger once got b ullied so bad he has NO fins left, just nubs and still pulled through. other then my angels nipping at each other ive never had a problem with mine. I'd suggest getting a water test kit and making sure you are using enough declorinater when you do water changes. also angels dont need a ton of food so dont over feed them(like all fish ^^)
Fish tank setup and care
Basics: The ideal pH for these fish is between 6.0 and 7.0, temperature should be around 25°C (77°F), the general water hardness of 4-12° dGH is the best range. Not only these values are ideal, they should be also constant – pH must not vary, changes in general water hardness shouldn’t exceed 1° dGH per week, and high temperatures may result in premature death of the fish.
As mentioned already, Angelfish need a large tank, preferably 40 liters (10.5 US gallons,... which is natural as these fish grow quite big and tall. Less space per specimen isn’t recommended as adult males may be territorial towards each other especially if females are present in a tank. In addition this specie will swim vertically and their fins would degenerate in case height of the tank doesn’t exceed 40 cm (15.74 inch), there are known cases when Angels even stopped growing in small aquariums. The minimum height for an Angelfish tank should be 50 cm (19.68 inch) as some space is required for substrate, moreover there’s a gap at the top between surface and lid. After all a tank that’s 50 cm (19.68 inch) tall offers approximately 40 cm (15.74 inch) for vertical swimming, this must be taken into consideration when planning such an aquarium! Lid (tank cover) is a necessity as these fish can jump out of the tank although they don’t tend to jump too often. A small gap of 2.5 cm (1 inch) is sufficient for them to jump out. Bear in mind that Angelfish can be very territorial towards each other, they use to get along much better if kept in a group rather than if kept in a small pack, say of 3 specimens.
As written above, plants are crucial to keep your Angelfish happy. Not only they improve water quality and aerate water, plants are used for laying eggs – especially plants with large leaves. Plants will decompose various debris including excrements, they also hinder growth of algae, and plants serve as hiding spots for newly hatched fish. Newborns are easy targets without having opportunity to hide themselves in shelters! Amazon sword plants (Echinodorus) should be grown in an Angelfish tank.
Even though we recommend 40 liters (10.5 US gallons, 8.8 Imperial gallons) per specimen if raising Angels in ordinary community tanks, breeding tanks must be larger because newborns produce excrements, there’s usually more uneaten food, and filtration isn’t that effective since the recommended filtration system for a breeding tank is a sponge filter. Sponge filters can be highly effective, but external canister or HOB filters are definitely better in terms of water quality.
A short summary: An Angelfish tank shouldn't be smaller than 100 liters (26 US gallons, 22 Imperial gallons), a group of 6 of these fish should be given preferably 400 liter tank (105 US gallons, 88 UK gallons).
Food and feeding
Angelfish prefer flakes over granules or pellets, however diet of your fish must not be monotonous, therefore offer them a wide variety of foods including frozen larvae, worms or insects (live should be preferred, frozen food must be defrost before offered to the fish). Brine shrimp or Daphnia are too loved by these cichlids as much as fry of Guppies, Swordtails or Mollies will be eaten if left with Angels. Additionally offer your fish dried foods, however don’t base the diet on dried foods as these may contain lower amounts of proteins and other important substances. It’s a widely known fact that the dried food contains less proteins than raw or frozen worms/larvae, so make sure that especially juvenile specimens are fed on high-protein diet. High-protein diet is crucial when breeding these fish as they’re known for producing more eggs if fed properly (the number of laid eggs and frequency of reproduction also depends on temperature, more to be found below in the paragraph named Breeding).
Angelfish aren’t messy eaters, they usually eat only a little and should be fed once or twice a day. As they’re not the smallest fish available, their stomachs are big enough to store enough food – Adult Angelfish can survive even 2 weeks without food, however you shouldn’t let them starve for over a week. Juvenile specimens should be fed two or three times a day, naturally young fish shouldn’t starve as it could negatively affect their growth rate and their health.
Amount that can be eaten in 4-5 minutes will keep them full for a day.
awesome,,, thanks for the info...Everything with my tank seems to be right on, except for the food that was one of the things i was wondering, if I was feeding them the kind of food they wanted and or needed. Gonna give it another shot, found some frozen food for them, variety pack, so we shall see. And to Jeremy, dont think i can give up on angle fish they just look way to cool..
I had the exact same problem! Went through 5 Angels in 2 weeks. I gave up on the idea of having Angels all together because I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Water tested fine, my 4 cory cats were (and still are) fine, plants all thriving.....I've kept Angels before and they grew huge, even laid eggs so I know It's not impossible to keep them LOL! Sorry I'm not any help, just wanted you to know your not alone in the stubborn Angels deprtment :D Is the quality of Angelfish just not what it used to be?!
Hahahaaa,,,,, thanks, atleast I know Im not the only one.
oh yeah,,, they are just too cool too give up on.. ill post some pics if i ever get some a decent size and then buy myself a trophy .. ha
Does the city you live in have a local fish club or something?
I just found out there is an aquarium society that meets the first Tuesday in every month in my town. I went and saw one of the guys that breeds Angels at his house just to take a look.....AMAZING! There were Angels everywhere I looked. All sizes ranging from almost too small to see up to the size of the palm of my hand!
Anyways, if you could find a breeder like this they have better quality and more selection then the pet stores. You could also order online but that's a bit expensive.
After seeing all those awesome Angels, it's making me seccond guess my decision to do a huge Ryukin tank......mabey a huge Angel tank :/ Decisions, decisions!
hahaa, hooked... i have recently found a lfs that has a pretty good selection of angel fish and they are a little more mature than the ones i was getting so ill probably give them a try,, i just like watching them grow from barely something to see to something big and beatifull....
Oh ya, I'm definitely hooked on Angels!
That was why I got the little guys too....love seeing them grow. They were about the size of a nickel when I bought them.....had them for about 3 weeks so needless to say they didn't grow very much LOL
The first time I had Angels was in Highschool, I had no Idea what I was doing, barely ever did water changes and they grew huge and laid eggs! I actually tried to do right by them this time and they all died on me!
I dunno....My husband is trying to convince me to get oscars or something but they kinda creep me out LOL! I'm not getting my new tank till July (Husband is getting it for my birthday) so I have lots of time to decide between Angels and Ryukins.
How big are the ones at the lfs?
Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:59pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Richard on December 29, 2019 at 10:58pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Tuh Bahd Phish on March 5, 2019 at 10:12am 2 Comments 1 Like
Started by Richard in General Discussion (off topic). Last reply by Patrick Aug 16, 2020. 3 Replies 0 Likes
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