ok guys so i just bought a bunch of guppies, 6 to be exact, and its 2 male cobra guppies (the ones with the real nice lookin tails) and 2 female regular like yellow with red tail ones and finally 2 tequila sunrise guppies which i have no idea the gender on them but from what i have been observing both are female because the 2 males also are all over them. this is in a 75 gal planted pretty well and i keep the water temp around 78-80.. how do i get them to spawn or is it already happening because they are all over each other lol

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The only tip I can give you to breed guppies is, have water in the tank. Seriously in no time you will have more than you want.

Yes it's happening...

Other than don't put laundry detergent in your tank there is nothing i can tell you.

I have 3 females and 3 males, which means i have new babies about every 2-3 weeks. Just got a new batch two days ago.

However there are a few things to know about guppy pregnancy.

Here's how you know your guppies are pregnant/about to give birth.

Your female's gravid spot (the dark spot near her anal fin) will get bigger. She will become very large.

When she is close to giving birth, she will have the so-called "squared off" look, which means that instead of being round, her belly will be kinda square shaped at the end.

If she starts to hang out by the heater, hide in the plants, hang out at the bottom, not accept food or any other unusual behavior she's prob about to give birth. That's when you should move her to the breeder trap. That's if you wanna save all your fry, and that can mean up to 40 depending on how old your female is (if she's younger it'll prob be around 20).

If you wanna let them fight it out on their own get some java moss or just a good piece of wood where they can hide and you'll have a few of them survive without getting eaten by the other fish, the biggest threat usually being the mother herself. She will turn around and eat them if they don't escape fast enough most of the time.

Breeding guppies is as easy as pooping. Just sit there and let it happen. It will happen eventually

as easy as pooping lol i love it thanks bro.. but i have my suspicions with one of my guppies. it is a tequila sunrise guppy which idk the gender but i think its a female because its belly is huge! and this is not after feeding either. This one fish also stay in one general spot a few inches from the top of the water.. id it pregnant/ about to give birth? also i need to get my self a breeder net/cage thing? and have the mother give birth in it not outside of it?

Ok so first off, females are always a lot bigger and simply don't look as fancy as the males. they can have color on their tails but generally not too much on the body. And if there is a dark spot near her anal fin she's def female.

Could you upload a picture of your guppies then I can prob tell you all about it. Side view would be perfect.

and yeah about the breeder trap. It's a plastic box that floats in your tank. get one with a V-shaped part in it. This part has a little space that lets the fry go in bottom compartment where the mother can't eat them after birth. And you should def put her in there a few days before birth. Guppies usually give birth in the very early am (about 4 or 5 in the morning) when it's dark.

They will breed like crazy aslong as their alive. Signs a guppy is pregant are the gravid spot ( a dark area at the back of the body underneath the tail ) and she will just get bigger. When the body starts to look more like a cuboid, she will give birth very soon. Youl get anything from 20-60+ fry, within the next 28 days. You can save all of the fry with a breeding trap/net but alot will survive if its a heavily planted tank.

feel free to ask me any questions.

Give it about a month and you will start to see babies in the tank if you look carefully. I breed guppies but I have discovered that they will grow a lot quicker if you leave them in your main tank compared to putting them in another tank to grow. Don't know why but, this is what happens to me. 

hey very interesting, I actually noticed that too. they do grow a lot faster when they're just on their own in the main tank. You would think that isolation and special care would make them grow faster than leaving them on their own...

ok, get a tank with cycled water, put 2 females and 1 male, and in 20-30 days you have 1-100 babies 



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10 Gallon planted Guppy

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