Needing a good Clean up Crew for my 10 gallon Tank...Any ideas?

So I had set up a 10 gallon tank a few weeks ago and i am now starting to add fish on Thursday (6 Everglades Dwarf Sunfish) but i am needing some help with the clean up crew. Do keep in mind that I live in Hawai'i so i am limited in what kind of clean up crew members i can get. This will be a dirted tank so they cant dig and i will have live plants in it so they cant eat plants. So please help me out any suggestions will help me alot thanks. If you would like to see what the tank will look like go in to my pics and there are two different designs in there look at the final design which will be how the tank will hopefully look like soon.

Thanks Nick

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well do u have gravel or sand if u have gravel then coryodoras catfish are perfect and they stay small.

if you have sand they will flatten the terain out but wont exactly dig the dirt up they can only go like half an inch deep

It will be black how deep should the sand be?

khuli loaches clean up well, but theyre kind of jerks no one really likes them, good bottom feeders are cory's they are all kinds and all different sizes, they like to be kept in schools of 4 or more, ones that don't get too big and are nice are the panda corys, only a couple inches, another one is a pygmy cory they only get to be about an inch so you can have a bunch, they are goofy and a bit ugly but everyone grows to love them. and the otocinclus is a good algae eater they also dont produce much bio load. i say 4 four corys of your choosing and 2 otos would be the nicest combo. what helps alot too is having a planted tank.

I have 2 siamese algae eater (albino and regular) but not quite sure about them cause my lfs has some fish that are miss labeled all the time. As for the cory cats i am all over them i will be getting a few panda i think. But then there is one problem my bottom tank will b packed with bottom dwellers and i am not sure if thats a good thing or not?

Amano Shrimp, cory cats, and otocinclus catfish are the way to go.  They keep busy especially the cory cats.  I love my pit crew and they make my tank neat and clean.  Best of Luck!

I would like to get some Amano Shrimp but my lfs doesnt carry for Cory cats yes i will be getting a small group of them.....also will be getting more Neon Tetras just to get some movement at the top and middle areas pf the tank. As the Everglades Sunfish is very shy and i wont see them out for a while. :D

You can order them online and have them sent to you with FED EX international.

I agree, otos are amazing. They don't disturb plants at all. Cory's can disturb more delicate plants by up rooting them. Just remember it's best to have more than one otocinclus. 

Cory catfish are the best in my opinion. Plecos, pictus catfish etc can get very messy but also pretty good.

Yeah i will be getting some Cory cats but not quite sure on which type i will get cause my lfs offers certain types but i am thinking about getting some pandas.... :D

a few oto's maybe because despite there small size they will just cleand everything of algie and unlike other suckermouth catfishes they dont hide under a rock they sctullaly go out and eat the algie.

what is the problem is it ammonia or algae if its algae i would suggest a pleco if u want it to stay small buy an albino if the problem is ammonia then buy corydoras catfish



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